“You gotta ask me,” Irwin said a second later.
“Ask you what?” I blinked and then blushed.
“You gotta tell me you’re ready,” Irwin said. “I gotta hear you say it, because I don’t want to rush you into anything you’re not ready for.”
“I’d really like to kiss you, Irwin,” I managed to spit the words out without my tongue twisting up into a knot.
Irwin scooted closer to me on the floor and traced the outline of my jaw. My eyes drifted closed even as my heart pounded against my ribs. Irwin’s hand rested against my side as he leaned in. Our lips hovered inches apart. His brushed against mine – the barest of touches and electricity sparked inside of me. I wanted to press up against him just as much as I had the first day I met him.
Faran let out a wail and we startled apart. So much for that kiss.
“Sorry, Fen,” Irwin said, rolling over to pick up Faran.
“Nonsense,” I shrugged. “The pup comes first and he’s always hungry after nap time.”
Chapter Eighteen
“I think we had a breakthrough today,” Irwin said as I stepped outside of the office and into the backyard.
His eyes were alight with something new, and it made me want to kiss him. We could technically kiss and talk, but Baby Faran lay cooing in the crook of his arm. Instead of slipping my tongue in between his soft lips, I kissed him on the cheek and stole the baby.
Faran cooed and giggled as I laid him against my shoulder. Over the last month he started to lift his head on his own and look around. He grew like a weed and soon he’d totter off on his chubby baby legs and leave us all missing the days he was happy to never leave our arms.
“With the story?” I asked, trying not to be too hopeful.
“That’s like pulling teeth. Patricia’s story was hard. Bobby’s story was hard. This one is almost impossible, babe. Seriously, every time he gets going I want to rip someone else apart and after a bit we have to take a break. It feels so unprofessional.”
“It is unprofessional,” I shrugged. “He’s our mate. I’d be more worried about you if you didn’t have some sort of visceral reaction to hearing about how he watched his parents die. Enough about that. I don’t want to spoil the mood. What’s up?”
“We almost kissed. He said he wanted to kiss. Then the baby woke up,” Irwin said. “Oh, and apparently you have him tongue-tied.”
“Me?” I smirked.
“Yep, you. I know you’re used to all the omegas back home treating you like you’re Mark Lite, but apparently you do a number on him.”
“What sort of number?” I asked as we started across the yard toward the house.
“The sort where he’s tongue-tied. I think he’s a bit afraid of you and doesn’t want to admit it. Maybe afraid of you isn’t the right way to say it. He’s afraid to trust you.”
“I’m aware. That’s why I make a point to always let him start every interaction. That’s why he’s not sleeping in our bed. That’s why I make sure to never leave the bedroom now unless I’m fully dressed.”
“Yes, mate, I know the rules of the Sanctuary,” Irwin laughed. “Only he’s not some refugee we’re trying to save.”
“Exactly. This is personal. This has been personal from the get-go,” I said. “It’s created this self-perpetuating cycle of where I want him and then I feel bad about it, because he’s not ready. He’s not you, either, but I’ve just about come to terms with that.”
“Would you have been mad if I kissed him?” Irwin stopped in the middle of the yard to ask.
“No,” I shook my head. “I’d have been relieved.”
“Why?” Irwin blinked up at me.
“It’s two-fold, mate. First, he’d be ready to move forward a bit. He’d be comfortable in our home – his home.”
“What’s the other part?” He asked.
“You’re not going to like it,” I said and started back toward the house.