“I think we have to trust fate on this one,” he said.

Chapter Six


I watched out the window as Irwin and Fen disappeared across the backyard and into the house. My fox tilted his head from one side to the other, trying to put together the details of our future. When I sat down at my desk my first call wasn’t to any of my clients. I called my twin sister, Fara. She had a new baby too, but who else could I call? My parents? This seemed a little too weird to talk to them about.

“Hey, brother,” Fara said. “What the hell is going on? Your energy is like an earthquake on the twin link.”

“He’s here.”

“Shit? Did you beat his eyes out?” She asked, not needing to ask who ‘he’ was. “Are you in jail? Do you have a jail there? Did they build a jail just for you?”

“No, Fara. He’s --- He’s an omega,” I said.

“Did Irwin beat his eyes out? I always thought he’d be good in a fight,” she said.

“No. No one beat anyone anywhere, okay? Let’s get that out of the way now before you go down the list.”

“Okay. So, no violence. Who is he?” She asked.


“The guy coming for the book thing?” She asked.

Fara was aware of most of the books Irwin published. Her mate, Jasper, was the official editor of Irwin’s publishing company.

“That’s the one. Fen Gregory,” I said.

“Is he cute?” She asked.

“That’s beside the point,” I said.

“Really cute then. Hot even. You always get like that when someone’s attractive. All defensive.”

“Can you be serious for a minute?” I asked.

“I can try. I’m sleep deprived and ready for a nap, but I can try.”

“How are you guys?” I asked, putting aside my personal issues for a while.

“Slap happy. Baby’s first tooth came in and it’s been a shit week for sleep,” Fara yawned.

“It’s a big milestone.”

“I think I could sleep on a stone right now, brother.”

“Do you want me to let you go, Fara?” I asked.

“No,” she yawned. “What can I do to help?”

“I don’t think anyone can help me,” I said and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

“Do you not like him?” Fara asked.

“That’s not the problem. He’s beautiful, Fara. I’m sure we’ll find out he’s a great guy too as we get to know him.”

“So, what’s the problem?” She asked.