Page 6 of Knot Theirs

Michael got Ben to drink, and I went to find a scarf and hat. When I got back, Ben was starting to gain some color.

Relief made my knees weak. I was the strong, silent one in the pack. Alpha through and through.But I could admit to being scared shitless when I’d first seen him.

Tracy snuggled into Ben’s chest as I pulled the hat over his head and wrapped the scarf around his neck. She was taking in big lungfuls of his scent, probably not even aware she was doing it.

And then I heard it. A faint, rumbling purr coming from Ben. He brought his arm around her shoulders to hold her closer, and his eyelids fluttered shut.

After a few minutes, the two of them slid into a peaceful sleep, clutched together. Michael looked at me, and I shrugged. He grinned and shook his head at my bullshit. This was obviously pretty fucking significant, but what could I say?

I was the old one at thirty. The other guys were twenty-eight. Looking for our omega hadn’t been on our to-do list.

I had a feeling that was about to change.



Before I opened my eyes, I let myself savor the scents. Reality was going to come crashing down any second, and I wanted to enjoy the moment first.

Ben’s earth and herb scent was strongest, since I was pressed with my nose tucked against his chest. Somehow, we’d ended up entwined together on the couch, lying down and facing each other on our sides. My face was wedged against his strong, well-defined pecs.


Then there was juniper and pinyon pine, fragrant and sharp. Griffin. The broad, very muscular alpha with slightly curly brown hair and bright blue eyes, a chiseled jaw and firm mouth. The one who had picked up Ben like he weighed nothing.

Past that was something sweet and spicy. Michael, the other alpha. A tall guy, lean and cut, with darkbrown hair and eyes, tanned skin, and stunning high cheekbones. He smelled like blackberries heated in the sun, with a hint of black pepper.

Together, they smelled like food and the forest. Delicious and calming. Soothing.

Would Ben notice if I licked him? Probably.


Don’t think about it.

I squeezed my eyes shut tighter. As soon as I opened them, the spell would be broken, and I’d remember why I avoided alphas at all costs. They reminded me too much of being an omega. Of being seen aswhatI was instead ofwhoI was.

Hell, I avoided my own family for the same reason. My parents’ fear for my safety made it clear that they only saw me as a helpless omega. A target. Not as Tracy.

These were strangers. Of course they would only see me one way—as an omega, to be kept under glass.

Except, Ben wasn’t a stranger. Not really. He knew me from our calls. We’d laughed together and discovered we had a lot in common. Favorite movies, that kind of thing. I considered him a friend, even though we’d never met in person.

Even though he didn’t know my real last name. Maybe because of that.

Fuck. I could feel him purring. And that was triggering a release of slick between my legs.

Although, it could have been because my breastswere pressed against his rock-hard abs, my nipples hardening with the friction against my bra. Or because my leg was draped over his strong thighs, putting his generously sized package within thrusting distance. Or just because his massive hands were wrapped around my back, holding me like I was precious.

Yeah. One of those reasons. Good thing I’d kept my bra and panties on.

Ben’s breath stirred the hair on top of my head as he shifted slightly, pulling me in closer. I had to say something. He might be having a dream, not even realizing what he was doing. It would be awkward to let it go any further. If I started talking, that would wake him, and this would all stop.

I really didn’t want to say anything. And that, right there, jolted me out of the moment. I pulled back and finally opened my eyes.

Big mistake. I was staring up at the most beautiful pair of green eyes I’d ever seen, crinkled at the corners from Ben’s crooked smile. He didn’t look embarrassed, so why was I blushing?

“Hi, Tracy. Nice to meet you in person.”