Page 29 of Knot Theirs

After what seemed like hours, Griffin finally slowed, then stilled. His hands around my hips fell away. He slipped out of me, along with a rush of seed. I was sweaty and messy and wrung out. Ready to sleep with my alphas.

Ben and Michael helped me roll over onto my side. I let out a contented sigh as they wrapped themselves around either side of me.

Griffin loomed above us on his knees. “I’m sorry, Tracy.” His voice was ragged.

My eyes had been shut, and I opened them in shock. Griffin didn’t meet my gaze. He looked tormented.

I shook my head. “No. No apologies. That was the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Michael rolled away from where he’d been holding me and rose to clamp a hand on Griffin’s shoulder.

“I’m going to go make some food. Stay and take care of her.”

It was a role reversal, I could sense it. Michael giving the orders. Griffin only nodded. He still looked unsettled. But when I lifted my arm to motion for him to take Michael’s place, he only hesitated a moment. Then he was there.

Griffin pulled me against his chest on a long sigh. Ben drifted away from my back, and soonGriffin had me completely enveloped in his huge arms. I snuggled into his heat as Ben draped a blanket over the two of us.

“Sleep with me, alpha,” I mumbled against Griffin’s warm skin.

He bent to kiss my forehead.

“Anything you want, Tracy,” he whispered in that deep voice. He pulled me closer. “Anything.”



At the sound of Ben’s approaching footsteps, I looked up from the stove. We’d both put on our clothes, including socks and shoes. In this cold, my balls would shrivel to nothing if I was walking around naked.

“Did Griff calm the fuck down?” I was pissed, but I kept my voice low.

“Yeah,” Ben whispered. “She’s asleep on him, although I doubt he’s very relaxed. I tucked them in.”

I snorted at that image. Griff was not the kind of alpha you “tucked in.”

“He’d better drop the guilt bullshit. Didn’t he hear her? I’ve never seen a woman come that hard.”

Ben let out a quiet groan. “Fuck, that was amazing. I already want to go again.”

“Pace yourself. This is only the start.” I didn’t have to look to know we both had hard-ons.

“What have we got to feed her?” Ben glanced over my shoulder.

“Eggs this morning.” I looked at my watch. “Afternoon,” I corrected.

“Any bread?”

“There’re some bricks of health bread—that dark rye stuff—in the pantry. Or I can make pancakes.”


I smiled. “Okay. Go find me some flour and baking powder.”

With a better kitchen and ingredients, I would have made Tracy the best brunch of her life. Instead, I whipped eggs in a bowl for a simple scramble. We had some onion and tomato, so I sliced them both up to make it interesting and started browning the onion. Ben came back with the flour, and I told him what to do to make the batter.

Once we had everything prepped, I looked toward the living room.

“If we start now, it’ll be ready in about ten minutes. Do you think we should let her sleep longer?”