Page 21 of Knot Theirs

“Wait. She might need to be alone.”

I shook my head and tugged my hand until he let go. He meant well. I wasn’t angry. But I was sure we shouldn’t just sit there.

“I think I should talk to her. If there’s a chance she needs us right now, we have to try.”

Ben frowned, but he gave a nod. “You’re right.”

“Just me. We don’t want to overwhelm her.”

Griff waved me away. “Go. We’ll clean up. Call out if you need us.”


I hesitated outside the bedroom door. Maybe she did want to be by herself. Then I heard a muffled sob, and I stopped thinking. I knocked once and went in without waiting for a response, closing the door softly behind me.

Tracy was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, hugging her knees to her chest. I crouched by her side before she even had time to look up. When she did, the tears running down her face made my chest tight. I wrapped my arms around her, and she buried her face in my shoulder.

“Shhh. I’ve got you.”

Her body was rigid at first, but as I stroked her back and rocked, she melted into me. After a moment, she let go of her knees and laced her arms around my waist. I sat on the floor and pulled her onto my lap, holding her close.

“I’m not who you all want me to be.” Her voice was a rasp.

“We don’t want you to be anything other than yourself.” I kissed the top of her head. It hurt me to see her like this, made me feel a little frantic. I needed her to believe—toknow—we were all in. “Every second I spend with you, I want you even more.”

She huffed against my chest. “Me crying on the floor is really attractive, huh?”

“It’s you being real. I want all of it.”All of you.

How could I ease her worries without pushing too hard? I didn’t know where the limits were.

“MaybeIdon’t want it.”

I was pretty sure she was talking about being an omega. She was getting her heat, and everything would revolve around her designation for a few days. It made sense that she was upset.

“What do you want?”

“To be Tracy. Just Tracy.” She sounded exhausted.

“That’s what we want, too. And we want to take care of your needs. We’re here for you. I hope you believe that.”

She let out a long breath. “It’s strange. I know we just met. But… I do.”

Her head came up, and I looked down into her red-rimmed eyes. I brushed her hair off her face, combing through it with my fingers, while she stayed quiet and still.

“You’re allowed to enjoy the next few days.”

Now her mouth curved up in a smile. My heart soared in my chest. I did that.

“Thanks for giving me permission, alpha.”

Fuck.She was going to play it like that? My cock had been under control until she called mealpha. I was sure she could feel it digging into her hip.

“Brat. I think we’re going to need ground rules.”

She nodded, her face turning serious. “Yeah.” Her gaze went to the door, and she paled again.

“Hey, it’s just you and me in here. Whatever you want them to know, you can tell me, and I’ll tell them.”