Page 14 of Knot Theirs

I’d taken the top bunk. In the middle of the night, I felt the bed jostle as Michael came over to join Ben on the bunk below. I would have done the same if we’d all fit, but I was too wide to share a twin bed with anyone.

Judging by the circles under their eyes when we all got up at dawn, they’d traded being cold for being jabbed by sharp elbows and knees. None of us had slept more than a few hours.

Tracy was still tucked under a pile of blankets on the couch when we opened the door to the livingroom. We all moved on quiet feet. I went to put a log on the fire, and Michael and Ben went to the kitchen. Soon I could hear Michael putting together his favorite stovetop espresso maker.

When we were packing, I’d teased him about bringing it to the woods. I was glad he hadn’t listened to me.

I walked over to one of the windows and parted the old-fashioned wool curtain. The snow had stopped. I could probably dig a path to find the breaker box, see if we could get the power back on. Doubtful, but I could try.

“How does it look out there?”

Tracy’s voice was rough from sleep, and the sound went straight to my groin. I cleared my throat and kept looking out the window.

“About three feet of snow. It’s stopped now, but we can’t move the trucks until it melts a little.”

I heard rustling as she sat up and moved the blankets aside, and I finally turned to face her.


She was so fucking beautiful, it took my breath away. Her hair was a mess, and her cheek was marked with creases from the pillowcase. She was even more gorgeous tousled. The way I knew she’d look after a night in my bed.

She wore a white tank top, no bra, and the blanket covered her lower half. When she yawned and stretched her arms overhead, my gaze was drawn toher generous breasts, her nipples peaking in the chill of the room.

Shit. Had she done that on purpose? I tried to subtly adjust my jeans, and she looked down at her duffle bag, like nothing had happened. But I caught her grin.

Tracy pulled out fresh clothes, stacking them next to her on the couch. I faced back to the window to give her some privacy while the rustling sounds continued.

“You can peek. I’m covered. It’s too cold.” She gave a little shiver to emphasize the point. “How did you guys sleep last night?”

I considered lying. “Like shit.”

When I turned, she had the blanket pulled up to her chin and was getting dressed underneath it. I had to focus on her face to avoid picturing what was going on under the covers.

She laughed. “Yeah, I figured. Assuming the power stays off, we’re moving the mattresses out here by the fire. I can handle it.”

“Speaking of the power, do you know where the breaker box is?”

“In the pantry, but I already tried it.” She noticed me frown. “These cabins were built a long time ago. I’m sure they aren’t up to code. A lot of the repairs we do involve duct tape.”

She threw the blanket to the side and sat up, now fully dressed. I struggled not to let my disappointmentshow on my face, but she probably saw it. She pulled her hair back and used a tie to secure it in a loose ponytail, then patted the couch next to her with a smile.

“Sit. That kitchen is too small for us all to work on breakfast, so we may as well chat.”

The sound and smell of bacon cooking drifted over us. Ben was busy getting out mugs and plates, and Michael was at the stove. I nodded and plopped myself down, dragging my hand over my face. Our knees touched. Neither of us pulled away.

“I think we’re gonna need naps.”

Tracy laughed again. It was my new favorite sound. My gaze went to her lips as her laugh turned into a grin.

“So, how long have you done wilderness firefighting?”

I raised an eyebrow and smiled back. “Trying to figure out how old I am?”

“Maybe.” She shrugged. “No, I really want to know more about you.”

“I don’t have any secrets.” Tracy tensed, but I went on like I hadn’t noticed. “I’m thirty. Been firefighting since I was nineteen. It was good summer money, and it turned into a career.”

“Dangerous, though.”