Page 13 of Knot Theirs

“Hopefully, she’ll feel comfortable telling us soon. She already told us a lot.”

“But there’s more.”

I nodded. “We’ll just have to follow her lead, give her time.” My attention turned to the bunk beds. “We can give her space. The three of us can sleep in here. She can have the couch.”

He huffed. “Yes. That’d be best.”

It wasn’t ideal. Right now, we all wanted to have her close. And we were going to freeze our asses off, being away from the fire. But we both knew it was too much for her to sleep next to us, despite her reassurances.

I grabbed blankets and Griff got the pillows. We went back to the living room and made upthe couch as well as we could. It wouldn’t be very comfortable, but at least it’d be warm.

“Dinner!” Michael’s voice was much louder than it needed to be for the small space.

An electric lantern lit up the kitchen. Michael and Tracy had moved a bunch of the food out of the fridge, either to the freezer or to the cooler we’d brought. They’d laid out all our sandwich fixings, the stuff that would spoil quickly if we didn’t eat it. Not fancy, but we didn’t want perishable food going to waste. Each of us fixed a plate in silence, and then we walked into the living room.

Tracy’s steps paused when she saw the couch.

“I thought we were going to put all the mattresses out here.”

Griff shook his head. “It’s warm enough for us in the bedroom. This way you have some privacy.”

She looked like she was going to argue, but then she gave a nod and took a seat on the floor by the fire.

I didn’t like it. She wasn’t complaining, but even under these circumstances, I wanted to provide for her, make her comfortable. Serve her dinner at a fucking table. The only table in the cabin was crammed in the pantry with supplies around it, far away from the warmth.

We all followed her lead, sitting in a circle on the floor with our food. But I saw Michael and Griff frowning, probably thinking the same thing as me.

As we ate, I glanced up at the couch, and myimagination took over. It was only a couple of hours ago that I’d woken up there, with Tracy in my arms. I thought about how it felt to have her body pressed against me, skin to skin.

It didn’t take much to completely undress her in my mind. To conjure up the taste of her mouth and the feel of her nipples between my fingers. To imagine the easy slide of my cock into her wet heat, and the ecstasy I’d feel when I knotted her.

I was a dick to be thinking about it right now, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. She was sitting next to me, her lavender scent lingering in the air, pulling me in. Sending my mind in one direction.

She’d be able to take our knots.

It was something I’d only experienced once, and it hadn’t been with someone special. It had still been amazing. Now I felt my knot swell and pulse in anticipation.

Tracy’s low, breathy voice came from beside me. I had my plate in my lap, so thankfully she couldn’t see my obvious hard-on. Hearing her talk wasn’t helping it go down.

“You’re positive you want to sleep in the bedroom? I really don’t want you all to suffer on my account.”

She put her hand on my shoulder. I had to stifle a groan at her innocent touch and remind myself she wasn’t trying to seduce me.

At least, I didn’t think she was.

“Positive. It’s a little fast to get that cozy.” I gave her a wink, hoping my face didn’t betray how much I actually wanted to get very, very cozy. Now.

She was quiet, and I didn’t think she would answer. Then she patted my shoulder and turned back toward the last of her sandwich, muttering under her breath.

“You boys have more to worry about from me than I do from you.”



I was used to sleeping in rough conditions. It wasn’t like I’d magically been promoted to management. I’d worked plenty of wildfires, spent plenty of nights outside on the ground. But always in the summer.

Sleeping in a freezer would have been warmer than the bedroom in this cabin.