Sofia pouted and looked down at her stuffies, Trixie and Mattie. She had hoped he would say yes so she could ask him ifhe was alright, but maybe she should go into the kitchen and ask him.

"I'll play with you," Ezra said. "Is that alright?"

She shrugged her shoulders and handed over Mattie to him. He sat down on the floor and positioned himself so he could look out the window. She found it weird that they had the blinds open, but maybe it was to see if anyone was trying to look in.

The thought of someone trying to spy on them made her have goosebumps. She didn't like that she wasn't even safe in her own home but hopefully the threat would be over soon.

"What do you want to play?" Ezra asked.

She sighed and shrugged her shoulders once again. She didn't know what she wanted to play or if she even wanted to play. Part of her wanted Daddy close and she knew he was, but he was also in the kitchen, and she was in the living room.

Would she ever have alone time with him again? Would he be less stressed after this or would he always be watchful in case something like this happened again?

Sofia placed Trixie down on the ground and closed her eyes. Everything was getting to be too much, and she just wanted her Daddy back. She didn't want him stressed or whatever was on his mind. He had been quieter, and she didn't like that.

It was never a good sign.

Did he want to get rid of her? Was he thinking after all of this was over that he was going to tell her he didn't want her as his Little girl anymore? Sofia didn't know if she would be able to take it and maybe she needed to take it into her own hands.

She sighed again and opened her eyes, grabbing Trixie and holding her tight. She didn't want to play anymore, and Sofia knew that Ezra figured that out.

"What's wrong?" he asked and he briefly looked at her.

"Nofing," she whispered, but it was a lie.

"There's obviously something wrong. You have sighed several times and look to be deep in thought."

He had her there and she knew she couldn't get out of this. Sofia looked behind her to see her Daddy still getting her snack ready in the kitchen.

"Something is differents with Daddy," she softly said, sounding so unsure about herself. "I don't knows what but he's acting weirds. I'm worried."

She was teetering in and out of Littlespace because it worried her so much. What was he hiding? Why was he acting so different than normal?

"I didn't know you felt that way, Little one," Daddy said and she froze. "Why didn't you come to me?"

She shrugged her shoulders, but she knew exactly why.

"Little girl," Daddy said. "You know the reason."

"I didn't want to bother you because of everything going on," she whispered. "I didn't want to add onto any more stress."

She could hear her Daddy walking over towards her, but she closed her eyes before she could see him. What was he going to do or say about that?

"I'm going to go do a perimeter check while you guys talk," Ezra said. "If you need anything just holler."

Part of her didn't want Ezra to leave but the other part knew that having him here would make things awkward. She had wanted some alone time with her Daddy and now she was getting it. Maybe not how she wanted it, but she was getting it nonetheless.

So she should be thankful.

Daddy placed a plate with cut up apples and peanut butter next to her with her sippy cup before he sat down in front of her. "Eat and drink your water."

She waited for him to say something to her. She didn't know what to say to him after she told him she was worried about him. What else was there to say besides explaining why?

"Little one," Daddy said. "You know I love you and care for you, right?"

She nodded her head and took a bite of the apple. It was one of her favorite snacks, apples and peanut butter. There was something about it, even though it was simple, that always made her hungry. Maybe it was the juiciness of the apples her Daddy got and the richness of the peanut butter. He had told her that he got the apples from the guy who delivered them to the club, Gene.

He was such a nice person and his produce was the best. Sofia had heard that the workers there were Daddies and Mommies. She had also heard they owned a little property for people in the lifestyle that needed a safe place to stay for a while or go on a little vacation. She thought it was a neat idea and loved that they were doing what they loved but also helping people out.