"You heard me say that I do," Jaxson grumbled. "I love her and will continue to love her."

"Do you think she feels the same about you?"

He thought about it for a second. Did Sofia feel the same about him? He didn't have to think long because her actions spoke louder than words.

"Yes," he replied. "I do believe she feels the same or is pretty close to it. She hasn't said the words, but her actions are speaking pretty loudly, and I feel like if she isn't there already, she's going to be soon."

"Good," Leo said. "That's good."

"Do you want to tell me what's going on? Why are you asking all of these questions?"

Jaxson was starting to get impatient and he just wanted Leo to get straight to the point.

"Are you doubting that I love her?" Jaxson asked.

"No!" Leo said. "There are two options that I could really see you guys taking."


"The first one is the most obvious one. She reapplies for her work visa and, if she gets accepted again, then she applies for her Green Card. This could take several years for her to obtain or it could take a couple of months. I can't exactly tell you the timeline for how long it's going to take," Leo said as he sat down in the chair. "She could also get denied which means she'll have to reapply. There is no guarantee for anything."

"And the other option?"

"You guys get married."

Jaxson stared at him, blinking several times as he tried to understand what he just heard.

"Did you just say we get married?" Jaxson asked.

While he loved the idea, they had only been together a short while, and he didn't know if Sofia would go for that. Jaxson was all for it because he knew he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, but Sofia was a different story.

"Yes, I did say for you guys to get married," Leo said. "After you guys are married, and she applies, it isn't guaranteed that she'll get it. But it seems more likely they'll give her one if you guysaremarried."

Jaxson was speechless. What was he supposed to say to that? He didn't think he was ever going to get married. When he was young, he was married to his career and never gave any girl the time of day. But that was also because he hadn't found his perfect Little girl and he thought he never would.

Until Sofia walked in for the interview.

That had all changed, but even then he didn't think that she would want to get married to him. Marriage was a big deal, and it wasn't something to make quick decisions about. He didn'twant to rush her into it but the thought of marrying her got him excited. To be able to call her his wife, his Little, his girl. There were so many names and even though he already called her his Little and his girl, there was something about calling her his wife.

"I don't know what to say," Jaxson whispered.

"I just wanted to give you your options. You think about it and if you think she's the one then you can bring it up to her," Leo said.

"Thank you for looking into that."


They sat in silence for a second, alone to their thoughts. There was a lot that Jaxson needed to think about and have a conversation about with Sofia. There was so much, and he didn't know what to start with.

The most important things first. The lesser things can come later when things have cooled down.

"Have you heard anything from This We'll Defend Security?" Leo asked.

"They are sending two people down here," Jaxson replied. "A bodyguard and then a computer wiz to look into things around here."

That put Leo on alarm, and it had done the same thing when Jaxson had looked over the camera footage.

"What's wrong?" he asked.