“Nope,” he said. “I’m just going to sit here for a while. Watch people to make sure everything is running smoothly.”
She nodded her head and turned her back. That was odd, he never sat there and just watched people. He was normally interacting with some other Doms or walking around, but not sitting at the bar,hersection of the bar.
Sofia started to dry some cups she had been doing earlier, but completely forgot when the girls came up and then Jaxson. Nerves ran through her body as she peeked over her shoulder and realized Jaxson was still looking at her.
Why was he looking at her? Was she doing something wrong?
She had never felt his eyes on her this much since she started working here. She didn’t know if it was a good thing or not. It worried her that he might be trying to find something so he could fire her.
“You’re okay,” he said. “Just pretend I’m not here.”
That was easier said than done. He made her nervous and turned on with his stare.
Jaxson sat in the chair as he watched Sofia work. He had said he was going to look around to see if things were running smoothly, but he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. She was so mesmerizing with everything she did.
He could watch her for hours and hours, but he knew he had work to do. He also didn’t want to freak her out.
Sofia looked over at him once again, dry glass in her hand.
“You’re okay,” he said. “Just pretend I’m not here.”
Did she not like the attention? Did she want him to go?
He thought about asking her those questions, but figured it was best not to. He had asked her questions before, and she either got lost in her head or she avoided the question. Jaxson wondered if it was a normal thing for her to do or if it just happened around him.
Jaxson looked around the room and saw several Littles playing alone or with each other. He loved being here and seeing people let go and having fun.
Everything in him was so thankful now that he had said yes when his friends had come to him with the idea of opening this place. Well, they had all been talking about how it would be cool to have a place like this. Then, they made it happen. At firstit was just for them and the few Littles they knew at the time. Through the years, it had become so much more.
They hadn’t realized it back then, but looking at it now, this was such a needed place. He was thankful they decided to do it. When they first started out, he didn’t think a lot of people would be interested, but he was so wrong. Springfield was such a small town. Yet they had so many members and people visiting from all over the country.
Jaxson looked back at Sofia who was taking an order from Diana, a Domme and Mommy. She was a nice lady who was looking for her baby boy and Jaxson hoped she would find him soon. He saw her coming in several nights a week, watching, but also interacting with some of the Littles.
She used to come in with Charlotte, but that was before she met Finn and they fell in love. At first he thought Diana and Charlotte were in a dynamic, then he really saw how Diana would look over at the boys. She wasn’t looking for a Little girl, but a Little boy.
Sofia was always so respectful and kind to anyone who came up to her and asked for something. He knew it was part of the job to be respectful and kind, but he had a feeling she was always like that. She was genuine with it. Still, he wondered if she had a different side to her, a more mischievous and naughty side.
He had a feeling she wasn’t going to show that side of herself, if she had it, unless she was really comfortable around the person. Maybe soon he could get her comfortable around him.
“Jaxson,” Leo said, sitting down next to him. “How are you?”
He didn’t pay attention to Leo but to Sofia who was walking towards them.
“Hello, Sir,” she softly said. “Can I get you anything?”
“Just a water, please,” Leo said.
Jaxson watched her as she got a water bottle out of the fridge and handed it to him.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Can I get anything for you?” she asked, not meeting his eyes directly.
He would have to work on that with her. He liked it when she looked him in the eyes, but it seemed like she was avoiding it.