"Yeah," Michael said. "We'll take the stairs back here, so people don't stare at her."
Jaxson had already decided he was going to do that. Sofia didn't like to bring attention to herself and yet she had by passing out in the employee room. No doubt people were going to be talking about it, asking her if she was alright.
He carefully picked her up. They made their way towards the stairs, walking up them, to get to his office. He gently placed her down on the couch and looked at her.
"What do you think caused it?" Jaxson asked.
"I don't know," Michael said. "There could be several factors, but I don't think anyone did it to her."
Relief slightly filled Jaxson as he heard those words. He had hoped it wasn't caused physically by someone else but that didn't mean someone didn't scare her into passing out. What could have happened?
"When do you think she'll wake up?" Jaxson asked as he put a blanket over Sofia. His office was colder than downstairs, and he didn't want her to be cold.
"I don't know. It could be any second or it could be several minutes," Michael said.
Jaxson sighed and knelt down in front of her. He gently ran his fingers through her hair while looking at her. She looked exhausted and he didn't like that. It was his job to make sure she was getting enough sleep, eating enough, and taking care of herself. He hadn't been doing his job. Well, the past couple of nights he had made sure she went to bed at a reasonable time and woke her up in the morning.
How long had she gone without getting good sleep and full meals?
Too long and it was catching up with her as she was finally starting to get the sleep her body needs. He was going to keep a close eye on her for the next several months.
Heck. He was kidding himself. He was going to keep a close eye on her for the rest of their lives. She didn't have a choice because she obviously needed someone to look over her.
Jaxson looked down and saw her hand peeking from the blanket. Something in her hand caught his attention. A piece of paper. What was that doing in there?
"If she doesn't wake up in the next ten minutes, then we're taking her to the ER," Michael said. "I may be overdramatic, but I don't know what happened before and I would rather be safe than sorry."
"I completely agree," Jaxson replied. "Money isn't an issue. She gets insurance through the club, if that doesn't cover it, then I'll cover the rest."
He took the piece of paper out of her hand and opened it.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked.
"Fucking shit!" Jaxson said as he stood up.
He could feel himself starting to get angry. How could she not have told him about this? It was a fucking threatening note, and she didn't mention it one time. Is that why she was throwing up earlier? Because she got the note?
"This is fucking stupid," he growled. "Shit! This is bad."
"Jaxson, get a hold of yourself," Michael said. "What's wrong?"
Jaxson handed him the piece of paper and right as he did, Sofia's eyes opened, and she gasped.
Her eyes opened and she let out a gasp. Where was she? Why was she laying down? Why was there a blanket over her?
"Shhh," Daddy said. "You're okay. You're in my office."
She moved her head around and found her Daddy standing a couple feet away. Why was she in his office laying on his couch?
"You're okay," Daddy took a step forward. "Daddy's going to keep you safe."
Her eyes went wide as she remembered what had happened before she passed out. Sofia sat up, clenching her hands but didn't find the piece of paper she was clutching before. Did it slip out of her hand? She needed to go to the employee room and find the piece of paper before anyone else did. No one could find out about it.