She had tossed and turned last night, not getting much sleep at all. Daddy had held her after a while and she laid there, awake and feeling alone with her thoughts. Waking up this morning had been a struggle and Daddy put her down for a nap several hours later.
Her first nap at his house. He had been so sweet and put pillows around her to make her feel safe, comfortable, and stayed with her until she fell asleep.
“You need to tell him. I know that he loves you and will do anything to be with you. Before you came, he never came down to the main floor unless it was an absolute necessity. Then when you started, he was coming down for every one of your shifts.”
“No,” Sofia whispered but she knew it was a lie. He had come down for every one of her shifts.
“Don’t bullshit me,” Monty said. “You know I’m right. Tell your Daddy about it. He would love to help you and you know it.”
“He also doesn’t love me,” Sofia said, finally realizing what Monty had said.
“You’re a fool if you don’t see it. You have him wrapped around your pinky. That man, your Daddy, would do anything for you.”
Sofia was silent as she processed the words. He had said multiple times that he wanted to take care of her and spoil her a lot, but she didn’t understand and said she didn’t want it. But it did sound nice. Sofia wasn’t used to it, and she didn’t know if she would like it or not.
Did that mean he loved her?
Whenever she caught her Daddy looking at her, he had this look in his eyes. But she had never thought about that look and what it meant.
She couldn’t remember a time when her parents looked at her with love. Maybe that was the reason she found it hard to decipher if he was looking at her with love.
“Promise me that you’ll tell him,” Monty said. “He should know since you guys are in a dynamic together.”
Sofia sighed but nodded her head. She didn’t know when she would tell him, but maybe it would be soon. She had promised her Daddy that she would tell him sooner than later, and she didn’t want to break her promise.
She already felt so guilty about lying to him several times and keeping it from him. She had done it so many times and it was starting to get to her. The guilt sat in her stomach as the days went on. It was like a huge ball that weighed hundreds of pounds.
Always there to remind her that she had lied to him.
“I’ll see you when we work together?” Monty said as they stood up.
“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” Sofia replied. “Just to let you know, I’m staying at Jaxson’s house for a little while. I got mugged recently and he didn’t like that.”
It was weird for her to call her Daddy by his name now. She was so used to calling him Daddy and it sounded almost wrong to call him anything else.
“Well, I have your number if I need anything,” Monty said. “Have a good shift at the club.”
Sofia made it quick to get to the club. She didn’t want to stay outside long enough to get mugged again. Her heartbeat was racing as she walked up to the entrance of the club.
“Did you just walk here, Tiny?” Dominic asked.
“Nope,” Sofia replied, lying. “I got dropped off a little ways off because the parking lot was so busy.”
He looked at her and shook his head. She hoped he wouldn’t say anything to her Daddy about walking, but for some reason she felt like he was going to tell him anyway.
She made her way towards the employee room to put her stuff away. When she arrived, a little folded up piece of paper was sitting in front of her locker.
What was that doing there?
Sofia picked it up and opened it, her eyes going wide as she read what was on the paper.
Die, bitch. Go back to your country or else you’ll find yourself dead.
Chills ran up and down her body as she continued to read it. She looked around the room, trying to see if anyone was in the room but no one was. Who left this for her?
She felt shaky as she stuffed it into her pocket and put her things away. Who would want her to go back to her country? She didn’t know a lot of people here. There was Lucy, who didn’t like her, but Sofia didn’t think she would give her this note.
Sofia thought Lucy just wanted her gone because she had started working more hours than her. Had she taken Lucy’s hours? Maybe she could talk to Jaxson about her hours being cut a little so Lucy could get hers back.