Was she being held against her will in her apartment?
Jaxson carefully made his way through her apartment and to her room. As he walked past the living room, worry gnawed at him as he saw how bare it was in her apartment. Had she been living like that since she got here?
He figured she was starting from scratch on living, but he didn't think it was this bad. She didn't have a couch or a TV. The living room was bare except for an old armchair, and he didn’t like that. Sofia should have everything she wanted. She should be spoiled and shown that someone cares for her.
Jaxson didn't want to look in the kitchen and see what she didn't have but at the same time, he did. Maybe he could sneak a little peek before they left. He wanted to see how he failed her and how to make it up to her.
Why hadn't she said anything?
He was going to have a serious talk with her on what she should be telling him. She shouldn't be living like this, and he wished he had made that clear earlier on. He should've asked where she lived, demanded to know so that he could get her out of here.
Jaxson thought they paid well for their employees to live comfortably. He was going to have to reevaluate the club’s pay scale. If Sofia is living like this, that means some other people might be living like this.
And that wasn't acceptable.
"Sofia?" he called out again as he walked towards the only open door leading from the living room.
He didn't want to startle her if she didn't hear him before. A scared Little was never good and he would feel guilty if he scared her.
The first thing Jaxson saw when he walked into her room was a mattress on the ground. He clenched his jaw. She should have a proper bed to sleep on. Not a fucking mattress on the ground.
The closer he got to her, the more he realized. She was shaking and whimpering as she clutched her covers and Trixie in her arms.
What the fuck was going on?
He had let her out of his sights for less than twenty four hours and she was shaking and whimpering.
"Sofia?" he softly said. "Little one?"
She moved slightly in her bed, but her shaking still continued. Was she cold? It wasn't cold in her apartment.
"D-Daddy," she whimpered.
"Yes, Little one?" he asked as he knelt on the floor beside her.
Jaxson could see the tears streaming down her face when he got closer. What could possibly be wrong? He felt her forehead, but she didn't feel hot. She wasn't sick, so what else could it be?
"I d-don't know what's wrong," she whispered, clutching her stuffed animal tighter.
Realization hit him as he thought about all of the symptoms he could see.
Sub drop.
That was the only explanation he could think of. Has she been feeling like this since she got home last night? Why hadn't she called him or picked up when he called her?
"Daddy," she whimpered again.
He touched her cheek with his hand.
"Shhh," he whispered. "It's going to be okay. Daddy's here."
She cried harder, and it broke his heart. He should've kept a better eye on her after they went to the club yesterday. He had no doubt that the ropes were part of the cause. Jaxson was going to kick himself in the ass for a while. He knew better and yet he hadn't checked in with her last night or made sure she knew she might experience this.
"Daddy's going to take care of you," he whispered.