"Yes, Sir," she replied. "Nothing else hurts or aches."
Well, her head was about to if he didn't stop doubting her and asking all the questions. Shouldn't he take her for her word? She knew she tended to lie sometimes, but Daddy made it clear that she wasn't allowed to do that unless she wanted to get in trouble.
And she didn't want that.
Sofia wanted to get the candy, but she was also hoping to go to the club tomorrow with her Daddy to play. They hadn't had a day or time where they could be Little and Daddy together and she craved that. She wanted it so much and she would do anything to be able to do it with him.
"Alright, my next questions aren't about pain," Michael said. "Do you eat three meals a day?"
She opened her mouth to lie, but the thought of getting into trouble and not being able to go to the club stopped her. Sofia didn't want to tell them that she didn't eat three meals a day, but she wanted to go to the club. She knew Daddy would be disappointed she wasn't eating all the food she needed for her body. How was she supposed to when she could barely pay rent each month?
"No," she whispered, looking down at her lap.
She felt embarrassed that she couldn't eat three meals a day. Yes, she was hungry, but her body had gotten used to not eating a lot because it had to. She didn't want that for herself, but she also couldn't do anything about it.
Well, she could've said something to one of the Doms, but she didn't want to be a charity case. Who wanted that?
"What do you normally eat in a day?" Michael asked as he wrote something down on a piece of paper.
She hadn't seen him get the paper, but she suspected it came from the bag he had. Who knows what all he had in there.
"Some snacks at work and a sandwich," she barely whispered, hoping either of them didn't hear her. "I also drink water and some milk."
Part of her hoped that adding those on would help, but she suspected it wouldn't.
"Just while you're working?" Daddy asked.
She shook her head. "All day."
Tears filled her eyes, and she looked away from both of them. She didn't want to see the disappointed faces when she said that.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Daddy asked. "I would've brought you food."
"I'm still figuring out what I like?" she whispered. It was partially true because things were different here and shecouldn't walk down to the store and get fresh bread like she could in Chile. Things were different in the United States, and she was still trying to learn everything.
"Do you not have enough money to buy food?" Michael softly asked.
She shook her head. "I'm trying to save to get a different place."
Sofia closed her eyes and wished she could take that back. She didn't need Daddy asking her more questions about her living condition.
"I don't like that you're only eating so little each day," Michael said. "Definitely underweight and you're working a lot."
"That's why I lie so I don't disappoint people."
Her hand flew to her mouth when she said that. She didn't mean to say it and yet she couldn't help herself. What did they expect?
"Never lie about that stuff," Daddy said. "I need to know if you aren't getting enough food so I can take care of you."
She didn't look at her Daddy as he spoke. What if he didn't want her after this? What if he decided that he wanted someone else who didn't have so much baggage?
"I want you to watch her diet closely. She's already tiny as is and not eating enough will cause her to lose weight with how much she's working," Michael said. "And make sure she's also drinking enough liquids."
"I will," Daddy said.
"I've got some cream for her bruises that you can put on for the next couple of days. If her head starts to hurt, she gets lightheaded, her vision goes out, or she gets sick, take her to the ER immediately."
"Thank you so much for coming."