This was truly the only time she ever felt so safe she could let her guard down and now she didn't want to have to put it back up. She wanted her Daddy to take care of everything, so she didn't have to think.
"I promise I won't be long," he said as he pulled back.
He cupped her face in his hands, and she leaned into his touch. She felt like she was starved for touch and any time he touched her, she wanted to soak it all in. Would he withhold touch whenever she was naughty? She had only been punished once by him and it was a spanking and corner time, and he gave her all the snuggles after.
But that didn't mean he wouldn't withhold them later.
"Will you w-withhold cuddles?" she whispered before she could stop herself.
She needed to know if he was going to. Sofia had to mentally prepare herself if he was ever to do that.
"No, baby," he softly said. "I'll never withhold cuddles. Those are too important."
A sigh of relief passed through her mouth at those words. She was glad he had said that because she didn't know how she would react if he had said yes. Sofia really liked him but withholding cuddles was something she didn't know if she could cope with.
"If you ever need cuddles or any physical touch, you let me know and I'll gladly give it to you," Daddy said. "Now, how do you like grilled cheese?"
A smile broke out across her face. "Yummy."
"Good. I would make you something else, but I know you must be tired and grilled cheese is something I can make super quick but it's still delicious."
She wasn't a complicated girl when it came to food. For the past several weeks, she's had bread with sometimes peanut butter and jelly and other times with ham but it wasn't much. Having grilled cheese was a treat and she couldn't wait to dive into it and fill her stomach up.
Sofia watched her Daddy start to put together the grilled cheese before putting it in the pan. She watched in fascination as he put a generous helping of butter in the pan before placing the bread onto it. It sizzled, and she saw the cheese slowly start to soften and melt onto the bread.
She couldn't wait to dig into this. It looks so good and she knew it was going to hit the spot. Sofia couldn't remember the time when she had a grilled cheese. It must have been years ago, and it probably wasn't that good.
"Do you want one or two?" he asked.
"One," she whispered.
"If you want more, I can make you more. Don't hold back if you're still hungry."
It was like he knew she was hesitant on telling him if she was hungry or not. She didn't want to waste any of his food. He worked hard to earn the money that he bought the food with. It wasn't her money but his.
"Alright," he said as he brought a plate over to the counter she was sitting on. "One delicious grilled cheese is up and ready to fill the monster in your tummy."
She giggled and reached for the grilled cheese, but Daddy slightly tapped her hand.
"Not yet, Little one," he said. "It's still hot and Daddy still has to cut it up. I don't want my baby burning her tongue or mouth."
She watched in fascination as he cut it into little square bites. He picked one up, slightly blowing on it before he touched it to his lips.
She stared in awe. No one had ever fed her let alone checked to see if the food was too hot. It warmed her heart that he was taking care of her like that.
"Let Daddy feed you," he said.
Sofia's cheeks went bright red as he brought the piece of grilled cheese up to her mouth. She wasn't embarrassed that he was feeding her, but she wasn't used to it. It was a foreign concept, but she found herself enjoying it.
She sat there while he fed her the rest of the grilled cheese. It was absolutely delicious but by the last piece, her stomach was full and she knew she wouldn't be able to eat any more. What a bummer. She had wanted to eat a whole nother one, but she didn't want to puke.
"Do you want another one?" he asked.
She shook her head. "No, thank you. Tummy full."
"You let me know if your tummy gets hungry again. Now, let’s get some medicine in you."