“We can come back later if need be,” Leo said.

Out of the two of them, Leo was the more talkative one. Oliver could be talkative, but he normally let his brother do most of the talking.

“No,” Jaxson said. “It’s okay. What can I help you with?”

They both sat down in front of his desk and he looked between both of them. For them to sit down, it must be serious and he was curious. The brothers normally kept to themselves.

“Advice,” Oliver said.

“How we should deal with a situation,” Leo said at the same time.

Jaxson’s eyebrows raised at that. They wanted his advice on how to deal with a situation.

“Okay,” he replied. “What is the situation?”

“There is a girl we are interested in,” Leo said.

It didn’t surprise Jaxson when he mentioned a girl. They had been glued to their phones for the past month and not doing as many scenes as they normally did at the club. It was odd, but he hadn’t brought it up because it wasn’t his place. If they wanted to bring something up, they would.

Oliver and Leo are secretive people and selective with whom they talked to. Both of them are retired military men, and they’re great people. They just liked to keep some things to themselves which wasn’t bad.

“We’ve been talking to her for over a month now, just getting to know each other. She lived in New York with Monroe’s brother,” Leo explained. “I think they are best friends or something, but we aren’t sure.”

“And?” Jaxson found himself asking.

How was that important to what they were about to tell him? Not that he was complaining, but it was odd they brought up Monroe’s brother, Miles. He had never met the man, but he had seen him from a distance when Monroe, Michael, and Miles met at the cafe. He wanted to make sure Monroe and Michael were safe.

“We were talking every day for over a month. We knew something was happening because she said a friend of hers got taken. They ended up getting her back and everything was tense,” Leo said. “We were talking about meeting up when she just ghosted us.”

Jaxson’s eyes went wide. He was not expecting them to say that they got ghosted by a girl. They had subs lining up at their feet, waiting to scene with them or be their potential Little. It wasn’t unknown that they were single and looking for someone,but a lot of the subs going to them just wanted one night and not forever.

Jaxson knew that wasn’t what they were looking for. They wanted forever, but he suspected it was hard when they also wanted to share a girl.

“So, what’s the problem?” Jaxson asked.

“We found out she’s in town,” Oliver said.

He was not expecting them to say that, either. What was she doing in town? Why hadn’t she communicated with them?

“Where is she staying? Do you know where?” he asked.

“With Monroe and Michael,” Leo said. “We just found out earlier today. She’s been reading our text messages, but not responding.”

“How was your relationship before she started to ghost you?”

Jaxson was intrigued at this point. Why was this girl ghosting them? Did they do something wrong? Did she finally realize that they wanted to share her, and she didn’t want anything to do with them?

“Strong. We were talking about meeting up but any time we mentioned it, she would put it off or say she got busy and not answer the question,” Leo said.

“Scared?” Jaxson asked.

He had heard of subs talking to Doms online and getting scared or nervous when they wanted to finally meet up.

“She’s a spitfire,” Oliver said. “Curses like a sailor, even when you try to correct her, but she didn’t seem scared when we talked about it.”

“Her breathing never picked up, voice never went higher,” Leo added. “She seemed comfortable over text and video call.”

“So what happened?” Jaxson asked. “Why do you think she’s ghosted you and never wants to meet up? Do you think she just wanted to string you on? How did you guys even meet each other?”