“Sofia,” Jaxson said her name to gain her attention, but she continued to look at Leo.

He was still someone she didn’t know very well and wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to do anything.

“You’re safe here,” Jaxson whispered. “I’m going to keep you safe. No one is going to hurt you again.”

She knew that what he was saying was true, but right now it was hard to believe. She had gotten mugged, and she didn’t feel safe anywhere.

“Can you tell me anything else that happened?” Jaxson asked.

Nothing else had happened. She had gone home, exhausted, bruised, and in pain. Even now, she felt all of those things and just wanted to go to sleep.

“I heard there was a situation,” Oliver said as he walked into the room.

Sofia’s whole body went stiff as she saw him walk over to Leo. They were brothers and looked exactly alike. Both of them were scary, and she had never talked to them before.

“Shit,” Oliver said as he looked over at her. “Who did that to you?”

She let out a sigh and closed her eyes. How many times was she going to have to say it was a mugger? How many times was she going to have to go through every single detail?

“It was a mugger outside her apartment,” Jaxson said. “Happened last night when she walked home.”

“What the fuck was she doing walking home?” Oliver asked. “We have rules in place so no one walks home.”

She screwed her eyes shut even more. If they were upset about her walking home last night, they were going to throw a fit when they found out she had been walking home every night she worked.

“We’re going to have that discussion later,” Jaxson said. “She isn’t getting away with it.”

“Sofia, honey?” Oliver said.

She opened her eyes and wearily looked at him. She didn’t know him and didn’t know if she could trust him. Yes, he was a Dom and one of the owners at the club, but he was scary looking. He had huge muscles and could definitely squash her if he wanted to.

“Can you tell me where you live?” he asked.

Sofia looked over at Jaxson. Maybe asking permission if she could answer the question, but right now she didn’t know fully. She was exhausted and clearly wasn’t thinking right.

“You can tell him,” he softly said.

She looked back over at Oliver before looking at Leo. It was hard to tell them apart, but Oliver had a slightly fuller beard than Leo did. But if they shaved, she didn’t know if she would be able to tell the difference.

“Honey?” he asked again. “Can you tell me where you live?”

“I didn’t know the man who mugged me,” she whispered. “His voice and his features weren’t familiar. I think he was wearing a mask but I’m not sure. It was random because I don’t know anyone outside the club.”

She leaned forward and placed her head on Jaxson’s shoulders. Closing her eyes, she took several deep breaths in. Sleep was calling her, but she knew with everyone in the room, she wasn’t going to get any sleep.

“Where do you live?” Oliver asked.

Sofia stayed silent. She was embarrassed at where she lived and didn't want them to know that she lived in that particular apartment building. What were they going to say when they found out?

She wanted to find a better place to live before they found out. Sofia would skip some more meals so she could put some in savings for a better place. It wasn’t a lot, and she knew it was going to take her a while, but she was prepared.

When Sofia had filled out the paperwork, she had told Jaxson she was staying in a motel at the time. It wasn’t a lie and said she would fill out where she lived when she found a place. For all she knew, they could still think she was staying at the motel.

“Is there a reason-” Oliver didn’t finish his sentence.

She turned her head, peeking up at Oliver and Leo.

“Can you please tell us where you live?” Leo softly asked. “We just want to make sure you’re okay.”