It was always a hard discussion to have with any employee because he didn't know their situation outside of working. Were they in need of money? Were they living in a safe place? Were they trying to pay off something? So many questions he didn't have the right to ask.

“Okay,” she said.

“You're valuable to BTS. You're a hard worker that gives your all. Something we, as the owners, love to see but not at the expense of you getting sick. We want you to have fun working here and not working you like a slave, because you're not one,” Jaxson said. “I need you to understand that.”

“I do,” she whispered.

“So from now on we're going to take our breaks on time?”

Sofia looked unsure, and Jaxson had a feeling it was going to go like this. He didn't think that, with him telling her all of this, she would miraculously change. He had no clue what work was like in Chile. Did they have breaks or did they work through shifts and only get to eat when they got home?

There were so many things he didn't know and he had no doubt, for the next several times she worked, that he would have to remind her to take a break and eat.

That was fine with him because it meant he got to see her and talk to her. He found himself walking around the bar a lot more than he normally did just to get a glance of her or talk to her. Jaxson needed to stop but he couldn't help himself. He felt a connection to her, and he wanted to explore the possibilities of being with her.

Yes, he was her boss. He knew some people thought it wrong and should be forbidden to have a relationship with his employee. At the club they had decided it wouldn't be, as long as they showed up for their shift and didn't get any special treatment.

“It's okay,” he said. “I'll just remind you every once in a while. I've done it with some other workers so it doesn't bother me. I just want you to be healthy and taking breaks is important.”

He'd only done it with two or three other employees and it didn't last long because they realized he was serious. Part of Jaxson hoped Sofia would take a while for her to get used to the idea of taking a break and remembering on her own. He wanted to see her every time she worked and having this as the ‘excuse’ was perfect.

Her face screwed up in distaste. He knew she probably didn't like it, but it was going to happen. He needed her to know he was being serious about her taking breaks. It was important for employees to take breaks when they had a long shift, to fuel their body but also to give it rest.

Jaxson watched as she finished up her snack and drink. He wished she would have gone slower, so she could stay and talk. He knew she was probably eating faster than she normally would so she could leave. If she was worried he was going to fire her in the beginning, there was no doubt that she didn't want to be here.

He wanted to ask her a million questions about her life. Where was she living now? What did she like to do in her freetime? He had many more questions, but he knew she would want to get back to work and he couldn't hold her here forever.

“Can I go?” she whispered.

“You may,” he said.

He watched as she got up from her seat and left his office. Everything inside of him wanted to call her back and tell her to rest, but he knew he couldn't right now. She wasn't his,yet. Soon though, she would be his and she couldn't do anything about it.

He had seen a couple times when she thought he wasn't looking and she stole a glance. It wasn't just one time but several since she started to work here. He found himself walking out onto the floor in front of the bar more often, so he could see it again.

Soon he would make his move, but he needed to give her a little time to adjust and get used to the idea. He was slowly showing her he cared and wanted what was best for her. Hopefully she was catching on.



Last night had been slow once she left Jaxson's office. There had been several of those nights and it always left her to her thoughts.

Which could be a good thing or a bad thing. Last night it seemed that it was a bad thing, well not really a bad thing. It just left her with her thoughts about Jaxson. So many thoughts about what he would be like as a Daddy,herDaddy.

She'd only been brought out of her thoughts two times last night. The first time she didn't even realize she had been daydreaming about him. She tried to keep it to a minimum after that realization but it was hard. Jaxson had just been so dreamy, and it was hard not to think about him.

Sofia tried her hardest but working at the club he partly owned wasn't easy. Everything around her reminded her of him.

This morning she had off, and she had planned on going to the store to buy some essentials; milk, eggs, bread, and maybe some ham if she had enough money.

She had gotten paid last month, but she still had a couple weeks until she got paid again which meant she had to make the little amount of money she had to work. She was used to living like this, unfortunately. In Chile, she didn't have a lot of money.While she was trying to save up to come to the United States for a better opportunity, she had to skip some meals.

It wasn't ideal, but she knew she would find a rhythm and things would get better for her. It was the United States, after all, and this was the land of opportunity. Sofia was already getting paid more than she did in Chile but she hadn't factored in the cost of living.

She didn't live in a poor neighborhood but she also didn't live in the richest one either. She knew her safety was important, so she had found an apartment building that had a room within ten to fifteen minutes walking from the club.

It was okay during the light of day, but as it grew dark, it wasn't. She hadn’t been there long, but she already knew that after dark, people walked as fast as they could to get wherever they were going. Many people took cabs to avoid the streets after dark.