Monty lived in the same apartment building as Sofia did so they saw each other even when they weren’t at work. From what Sofia knew, Monty had a younger brother that she was taking care of. She didn’t know all the details, but she knew Monty’s brother was dependent on her right now.

“Sofia,” Pete said as she walked out.

“Hey Pete,” she replied. “Have a good night?”

He grunted. “Slow.”

Tonight was slower than normal.

“You work tomorrow?” she asked.

She really liked Pete. He was nice, even if he didn’t talk much.

“No, I don’t. I’ve got tomorrow off,” he replied.

Her whole body went stiff. “Who’s working?”

There were a couple bouncers the club had and out of all of them, Pete was her favorite. Well, and Ben.

“Ben is,” he replied.

She felt her body relax at his name. She could handle both of them, but Dominic was the one she didn't really get along with. He never talked and always glared at her.

“But I heard Ben was feeling a little bit under the weather today so Dominic may fill in for him,” Pete said.

She groaned but nodded her head. Hopefully, Ben was feeling better by tomorrow night so she didn’t have to deal with Dominic.

“I’ll see you later,” she yelled as she started to walk towards her apartment building.

The further she walked, the more her hairs tingled at the back of her neck. What was going on? This had never happened before.

Sofia turned her head to the right and then left, looking around to see if anything was off, but nothing was. No one was out here. Nobody was ever out here.

“Give me the purse!” Someone yelled, yanking the purse from her arms.

She grabbed onto the strap, trying to pull the purse back towards her.

“Bitch!” the person yelled. “Let go of the purse.”

But Sofia didn’t. She tugged on the strap, hoping it wouldn’t break and that the person would let go.

Before she knew it, pain shattered across her face as the guy's fist connected with her face. She screamed as she let go of the purse and fell towards the ground.

Tears brimmed in her eyes, and she watched the man walk towards her. He kicked her stomach, and she groaned as the pain radiated across her body.

“That’ll teach you a lesson,” he said. “You’re not wanted here.”

Tears ran down her face as the man ran off with her purse. What did she do to deserve this? Why did he say she wasn’t wanted here? Did she know that guy?

So many questions ran through her head as she pulled herself off from the ground. She needed to get to her apartment and look at the damage. Thankfully, she kept her keys to her apartment and her phone in her pocket instead of her purse. Bad news was, the only extra cash she had was in her purse.

What was she going to do until she got paid? It was several days until payday, and she needed to eat. Maybe she could pick up some extra shifts and eat some snacks at work while she was there.

Groaning, she walked up the stairs to her apartment and unlocked her door. She didn’t know if she wanted to look at her face or not, but she figured she should see how bad the damage is.

Not that she’ll be able to do anything. She didn’t have any cold things in her apartment and she couldn’t run the water and wrack up the water bill that she could barely pay for right now.

Sofia walked into the bathroom and let out a gasp at her skin already turning different colors. It had settled into an ache, but she knew tomorrow it was going to be worse.