She wasn't going to do that, because he was her boss, but also because she didn't want to grow attached to him. What if she got fired, then who would she rely on?
“Okay,” she whispered.
She had several more cups that needed to be cleaned before she could move on to anything else. This had been the task she was doing before Juliet talked to her. There were a few other things she needed to get done. For instance, a couple of Littles had been eating and drinking down the bar and she needed to go clean up the mess.
Most Littles try to keep things clean but she understood that sometimes it just didn't happen. When she let loose and let her Little out, her apartment got trashed. They try to clean up to their best ability but if they spill a drink, it just gets sticky, and that's when she steps in.
“Have you taken a break yet?” Jaxson asked.
“No,” she replied.
That's all he said, and she stopped what she was doing to look at him. Why would he just say her name and not anything else?
“Yes?” she asked, setting down the cup.
“You need to remember to take your break. This is the second time that you've forgotten and it's unacceptable.”
She sighed and looked at him. There were things that needed to be done that the other bartenders didn't do.
“I'll take it later,” she said as she picked up a wet cup and started to dry it.
“You need to take your breaks. They're paid breaks so you don't have to worry about not earning money in those thirty minutes,” he gently said, trying to get his point across.
“There are things that need to be done.”
She didn't know why they were having this discussion because she was getting paid to do her job. She didn't want to start slacking and make the other co-workers start to not like her.
“And those things will be there when you come back from your break,” he said. “Come take your break with me. I would like to get to know you.”
Sofia looked at Jaxson and couldn't believe what he said. He wanted to get to know her? She reminded herself that it was strictly business and nothing else. It couldn't be anything else.
She kept reminding herself of that even though she was wondering if he was attracted to her. Did he feel the connection she felt with him? It was hard for her to ignore but if he didn't feel it, then he wouldn't know any different.
“I'm okay. I can just finish what I'm doing and then go to the break room,” she said.
If she went with him and had her break, she knew that slowly she was going to fall for him. It was already hard whenever she saw him not to let her thoughts wander. Anytime she saw him with a girl, it made her sad.
“Please have your break with me?” he coaxed, giving her one of his dazzling smiles.
She opened her mouth to decline but, before she could, he lifted his eyebrow.
“I have other things I want to talk about as well. Grab something to eat and drink and meet me in my office,” he said as he stood up from his chair. “If you aren't in my office in five minutes, I will come down and get you.”
Sofia looked up at him and nodded her head. The promise in his words was real, and she knew he would come downstairs and get her.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
Jaxson sat in his chair, waiting for Sofia to come into his office. There was just something about her that made him want to protect her, cherish her, and take care of her. He didn't know what it was, but it was hard not to act on those impulses.
The other day he had caught Sofia not taking her break when she had an eight hour shift. That was unacceptable, and he told her that. He needed her to understand that she needed a break, but she didn't seem to realize that.
He was worried she was going to work herself to death. She had taken several shifts when other employees couldn't work. Those extra shifts had put her into overtime hours.