“Talk to me. What are you thinking?” he asked.

Sofia opened her eyes and looked at him. He wasn’t mad but looked slightly concerned.

“Now or forever?” she whispered, scared of what his answer would be.

She didn’t want to disappoint him but she knew if he said forever, she would have to say no. There was no way she wasn’t going to lie again in her life.

“What do you mean, Little one?” he asked.

“Am I going to lie to you again now or forever?” she asked.

Realization filled his face, and he cupped her face with his hands. She leaned into his touch, loving the warmth that came off of them and seeped into her skin.

“Oh, Little one,” he softly said. “I would never expect you to promise that you weren’t going to lie to me forever. That would be a tall order. I just meant now, in this moment, while we have this conversation.”

Her shoulders relaxed. She was relieved it wasn’t for forever, but just this moment.

“But I don’t expect you to lie to me again. You know I don’t like lying and it’s bad,” he said. “I know some circumstances lying is warranted, but that’s only some circumstances, not all. Hopefully we are never in those circumstances.”

She nodded her head, understanding. She was glad he brought it up because she was going to ask if he didn’t. Sofia knew that communication was key to life, and she needed him to know that, in some cases, she was going to lie if it meant keeping him safe.

“Now, are you going to lie to me again?” he asked.

“No, Sir,” she softly replied.

“Good girl.”

A shiver ran through her when he called her that. It was hot, and she felt herself getting turned on.

His thumb ran across her cheek and she leaned into his touch even more. He had never touched her before, and she loved the feeling.

Now she didn’t know if she was going to be able to go back to not touching him. She was going to crave the feeling of his hands on her skin.

“Can you tell me now why you were ignoring me?” he asked. “It wasn’t very kind of you. What if something happened, and I needed to talk to you urgently?”

Sofia hadn’t thought about that. What if something had happened and every time he tried to get close to her, she walked away or didn’t pay attention? She felt guilty about ignoring him.

She was just thinking about how communication was important to life and here she was not communicating with Jaxson. He had tried multiple times, and she didn’t want to. She thought it was for the best, but it wasn’t.

“I felt something change between us and it scared me a little,” she whispered, not looking into his eyes.

It was weird uttering those words out loud. She was acknowledging something had changed between them and it was becoming real. Too real.

“I felt that too. Why were you scared?” he asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. There were so many things she feared. He could find out she wasn’t worth it, dump her, and make her get a new job. He could find out she had never had a Daddy, but had scenes with several when she was in Chile.

Jaxson could not like that.

She didn't know, and it scared her. How was this going to work out between them? He was her employer. It was forbidden, but she couldn’t deny the feelings she started to develop towards him.

And now they were becoming impossible to ignore.

She felt the little sparks when he touched her face. She felt safe around him and like she could tell him anything.

“I think you do know,” he softly said. “Can you look at me?”

Tears built up in her eyes. She didn’t want to cry in front of him, but him saying that she knew why, made her want to cry.