Everything wasn't perfect.
This man had come in and was ruining things.
"Let's do this somewhere else," Leo said.
"Tell me where the fuck she is," Rogan yelled. "My sister was safe with Michael and Monroe before you two fucks took her."
Sofia flinched at all the language being used. She wasn't used to all of it and didn't enjoy it one bit.
"Rogan," Monroe said. "Stop it this instant. You're at a fucking wedding for heavens sake!"
"We're taking this outside," Oliver said.
Rogan turned around and looked directly at Sofia. She pushed herself into her chair as if she was trying to get away from him. There was so much distance between them, and Daddy was also in front of her.
He caught her eye. "Sofia."
She continued to stare at him. How did he know her name? Had she met him before? There wasn't any way she had met him before because she would've remembered him.
"I'm so glad you're married and in a better situation right now," Rogan gently said. "Especially not living in that dreadful apartment anymore."
Her whole body went still at the mention of her old apartment. How did he know she lived there? Had he been stalking her?
"I'm sorry for interrupting your wedding," he said. "Now, I'll be off."
Before she could stop herself, she found herself speaking. "All of you should go into time out for what you did. Especially you."
Gasps were heard all over the room, but she didn't look around. She didn't know what came over her, but she wasn't looking away from Rogan and losing all the confidence she had right now.
He cracked a smile. "I'm a Daddy, not a Little. I don't do timeouts."
Before she could say anything, he turned around and walked out of the room, Leo and Oliver following him.
What had just happened?
Daddy sat down and turned towards her. "Are you okay?"
She nodded her head but she didn't know if she was okay or not. Sofia leaned into her Daddy and took several deep breaths. So much for a perfect night.
"Let's get you home," Daddy said.
She whined and shook her head. "The guests."
They hadn't made their way around the room, talking to all of the guests and saying thank you for coming.
"They'll understand and besides, we'll see them soon. They all go to the club."
She nodded her head and he helped her stand up.
"We're going to be cutting this short," Daddy said. "Sorry for the inconvenience, but you all can still enjoy the food and drinks here."
"Go and take care of the Little Miss," Pete said. "We'll make sure everything is cleaned up and put away."
"Thank you," Daddy said.
He gripped her hand and led her out and towards their decorated car. People cheered at them as they walked by, and she smiled at as many people as she could before they walked out of the barn.
"Ready to go home?" Daddy asked.