"They should be here any second now," Lucy said. "I can't fucking wait to see you get dragged out of here and leave the country for good."

Worry went through Sofia as she thought about leaving. She didn't want to leave, but what could she do right now? She was tied to a chair and couldn't get out. Maybe when the men came in to get her, she could slip away or do something, anything to get away from them.

Both of them heard a door slam open and a huge grin spread across Lucy's face.

"Ah," she said. "That should be them."

"Please," Sofia begged as she started to cry again. "You don't need to do this. I promise."

But before Lucy could say anything, the door was pushed open, hitting the wall really hard and men filled the room. Men with guns and their faces covered.

Guns were fired, Sofia started to scream, her eyes going wide as she watched Lucy fall towards the ground.

Lucy was dead and Sofia was next.



Sofia screamed as she stared at Lucy, lying on the floor. Her eyes roamed the floor, trying to see where she had gotten shot, but there was nothing. Was the bullet so tiny that it went in and killed instantly without leaving a trace? Was there such a thing like that?

A man stepped towards her and she screamed again. She pulled against the ropes hissing in pain as it dug into her wrists. She needed to get away from them. That was the only thing going on in her mind as he continued to walk towards her.

“Please,” she begged. “D-don’t do this.”

Tears streamed down her face as the man took another step towards her. There were so many things she wanted to do in her life. She wanted to live with her Daddy and live happily. She wanted so badly to travel around the United States and see everything there was.

But most of all, Sofia wanted to tell her Daddy one more time that she loved him and he was the one for her.

She hadn’t had the time to tell him before her shift started. She had been running late and couldn’t visit him like normal. And now she was never going to get to tell him again. She was going to be dead soon and she couldn’t do anything about it.

The man knelt in front of her. He wore a mask and every inch of his skin was covered in clothing. Was this the same man who mugged her? He hadn't said a word, but he looked about the same build as the mugger.

“Please,” she begged again. “I want to l-live.”

"Sofia," he softly said and she stilled.

That wasn't the mugger. That was her... Daddy?

He pulled off the mask and her Daddy's face appeared right in front of her. Tears filled her eyes as she took in his face. She didn't think she was ever going to see him again and yet here he was, right in front of her.

"I'm here," he gently said. "You're safe now."

Her eyes tracked over to the other man who had a gun pointing towards Lucy. Had he killed her? Even though Lucy was mean to her, Sofia didn't want her to die.

The man pulled off his mask and Ezra stood in front of her.

"Tranquilizer," he said as he kept pointing the gun towards Lucy.

She wasn't dead. Sofia let out a sigh of relief and looked back at her Daddy.

"Wait," she rushed out.

What about the two other guys? Had they left completely before they came? Were they still in the house somewhere?

"What is it, Little one?" Daddy asked.

"M-men," she stuttered. "Two men."