She didn’t like the worry on his face. She needed to leave soon or else he was going to start asking questions, and she knew that she couldn’t lie.
Jaxson was like a lie detector.
Again, freaky.
“Sofia,” he said, pulling her from her thoughts.
“I’ve got to go. I have some things to do around my apartment,” she rushed out.
A feeling inside of her stomach told her he was going to ask some personal questions, and she didn’t know if she would be able to handle those questions. She didn’t want to have to lie, especially since she was a terrible liar. It would just show Jaxson she wasn’t doing well, and she didn’t want that.
“Okay,” he said. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“See you.”
Sofia felt so bad for lying to him, but she knew it was for the better. He would just worry about her if he knew the truth. She didn't want him to be worrying about her. He was her boss, not her Daddy or boyfriend.
She quickly walked to the front of the store and put her stuff on the belt and walked up to the cashier.
“Will this be all?” she asked as she scanned her last item.
“Yes,” Sofia replied.
“That’ll be fifteen dollars and twenty-seven cents.”
Sofia handed over her twenty dollar bill and waited for the change and receipt. She knew it was important to buy this food because she needed to eat. At the same time, her heart broke a little because she wanted to save the money for something else.
She could feel his eyes on her as she got back her change and receipt. After she picked up her bag of groceries, she glanced over in his direction and she was right. He was staring at her with a concerned look.
Giving him a small smile, she walked out of the store and started her walk to her apartment. It wasn't a far walk, and she was used to walking, since she walked everywhere in Chile.
With each passing step, her thoughts got a little sadder. She had talked with her grandma about moving to the United States for an opportunity. Her grandma had urged her to get away from Chile. It was one of the hardest decisions she ever made. Now she was wondering if it was a mistake.
Yes, she had landed an amazing job, but she lived in a run down apartment and didn't have a lot of money left over for food.
She thought by now she would have made a couple friends she could hang out with outside of work but that hadn't happened either. She had been here for two months already and had been looking forward to so many different things. A lot of them weren’t coming true.
Sofia unlocked her apartment and walked in and headed straight for the kitchen where she put away the groceries. She had a couple hours until she needed to head into work.
Walking back into her living room, she sat down on the old armchair and leaned back. She didn't know what she was going to do, and it sucked. She felt like she was drowning underwater, not able to take a single breath.
She didn't know how much longer she could do this.
Sofia was absolutely exhausted as she started her shift. Today had not been a good day at all. Being reminded, when she went to the grocery store, that she didn't have a lot and then being left alone to her thoughts didn't help either.
She felt depressed, and all she wanted to do was lay in her bed and do nothing. But that couldn't happen.
She didn't have anybody to take care of her, which meant she had to take care of herself. It was exhausting, and she longed for the day she found a Daddy who would want her. She didn't think it would be soon, which made her even more sad but she had to get used to this. If she didn't take care of herself, then nobody would and she would find herself out on the streets.
Sofia grabbed a tray of fruit cups and restocked the mini fridge where they kept them. Every Little in the club loved fruit cups, and she found herself restocking the fridge every couple of hours when it was busy.
The fruit cups came from a farm about thirty minutes away from the club and they delivered once or twice a week. The fruit was amazing and Gene was super nice, definitely a Daddy. She hadn’t spoken to him personally. He always talked to theowners when he made deliveries, and she had caught some of the conversations.
At one point, she thought she heard that all the workers on the farm were Daddies, but she had to be mistaken. That was super rare to have so many Daddies in one spot.