"Monroe mentioned a Sofia," Miles said. "Something about a playdate that happened recently."
"That's her, and she's mine," Jaxson said.
Miles chuckled through the phone. "Don't worry. I've got my own Little."
Jaxson didn't know what came over him when Miles said that. He just needed to make sure that he knew Sofia was his and no one else was going to take her.
"Sorry," Jaxson said. "I just need to find her."
"My guy will be in contact with you soon," Miles said and hung up.
Jaxson let out a sigh and leaned up against the wall. He felt useless right now, waiting for Miles' guy to contact him with her address. Was it going to take him a while? Should he start to look at nearby apartments?
"What's going on?" Leo asked as Jaxson started to walk towards the entrance of the club.
He needed to get to his car so when the text came through, he could quickly get there. Has Sofia fallen and hurt herself? Had she passed out on her floor?
"Sofia isn't answering her phone," Jaxson said. "I've got to go."
"Text me when you find her!" Leo yelled as Jaxson got into his car.
Right as he sat down, he got a text message with the address on it and the guy’s name. Kirk.
Jaxson looked at the address and cursed. He didn't like that neighborhood at all. What was she doing living there? Why had she decided to walk from work to her apartment? He would've given her a ride to and from work every day if he knew she lived there.
His phone started to ring as he drove to her apartment. It wasn't going to take him long to get there.
"Yes?" he answered the phone.
"You got the address?" Miles' voice filled the car.
"Good. If she really is your girl, then you get her out of that location."
Jaxson couldn't agree more with him. He didn't want anyone living here.
"You got me?" Miles said. "If I find out she's still living there, I'll have Rogan send people."
"I heard you," Jaxson replied. "She won't be living here any longer. Shouldn't have been living here in the first place."
"Damn straight," he said and hung up.
Jaxson had never met Miles in person and hoped he never had to. He still couldn't believe that Monroe was related to him. They were polar opposite, but Jaxson had to remind himself that Monroe didn't grow up with him.
He quickly pulled into a parking spot and got out of his car, making his way into the building and up to her apartment. He hoped and prayed that Sofia was okay in there and that she just slept through her alarm.
"Sofia," Jaxson said as he knocked on the door.
Please answer. But she didn't.
"Sofia," he said louder, hoping that she would hear him.
His hand wrapped around the door handle and twisted. Worry went through him as the door opened. Why wasn't the door locked? Did she know how dangerous that was? Anyone could have come into her apartment and done anything to her.
"Sofia!" He raised his voice as he walked into her apartment. "I'm in your apartment. Can you tell me where you are?"