"Sorry, Little one," Daddy said. "I was just getting a pacifier for you."

She shook her head. She didn't want a pacifier. All she wanted was for Michael to leave and to snuggle back in her Daddy's embrace. But her Daddy didn't pay attention as he plopped the pacifier into her mouth. She tried to spit it out, but he kept his hand there, holding it in place.

"Be a good girl and suck on it while Michael looks over the rest of your face and body," Daddy said.

Sofia whined but eventually started to suck on the pacifier. She felt herself starting to calm down a little bit as she continued to suck on it.

"Such a good girl for Daddy," he praised her.

She blushed and let Michael continue to look over her face. He touched several parts of her face and she winced each time, but it wasn't as bad of pain as it was before.

"If she complains about headaches or her vision changing, I would take her to the ER," Michael said as he flashed a light in her eyes. "It doesn't look like she has a concussion but I would watch out for that as well."

"Thank you," Daddy said.

"You mentioned her having bruises in other places?"

Sofia looked at her Daddy. She had never mentioned having other bruises on her body, but she didn't doubt that she did. Somehow she still hadn't looked at her body to see if she had any other owies.

"Did she tell you how she landed?" Michael asked. "I'm assuming from the owies on her hand that she fell when she got punched?"

"She didn't tell us," Daddy replied.

They both looked at her and Daddy started to pull her pacifier, but she didn't want to let it go now. She was comfortable and relaxed, well for the most part she was.

"Let go of it, Little one," Daddy said. "We need to ask you a couple questions."

A whine escaped her lips as her Daddy pulled the pacifier out of her mouth.

"Can you tell us how you fell two nights ago?" Michael asked.

"On my hands and bottom," she whispered before she opened her mouth again, wanting the pacifier.

"I'll give it to you in a second," Daddy said. "I think Michael has a couple more questions to ask you."

She didn't want him to ask her any more questions. She wanted to be left alone, but she knew her Daddy was going to make her answer the questions or she would get into trouble.

Sofia looked at Michael and waited for him to ask her some questions. She didn't know what he was going to ask, and she was slightly worried. What if he asked her some really personal questions, and she didn't want to answer them in front of either of them? Yes, Michael was a doctor, but she had to see him at the club when she worked or when she hung out with Monroe. It would be awkward for him to know that stuff.

"Have you been feeling any pain anywhere else?" Michael asked.

"Just a reminder, if you lie there will be consequences," Daddy said. "Sorry Michael, I had to say that again. She likes to tell half the truth when it comes to her pain."

She grimaced, but he was right. Sofia didn't like to tell people when she was hurting because they tended to make it biggerthan it was and she didn't want that. Especially if it was at work and they wanted her to take the day off because she had a bruise. Who took off work because they had a bruise?

No one.

It was ridiculous but her Daddy, Leo, and Oliver didn't see that. Shouldn't they, though, since Daddy was a retired police officer and Leo and Oliver were retired from the military. They went through worse than her no doubt and they wanted her to take a day off when she had a bruise. It didn't make sense.

"My hands are a little sore," she softly said.

All morning yesterday she had been careful when she picked things up. She didn't want to aggravate the tiny little cuts on her hands and make them worse. For something so small, it hurt a lot more than she remembered it would.

"Is there anywhere else? Your bottom where you fell on it? Your legs? Stomach?" Michael asked.

She shook her head. Sure, her bottom was sore when she initially fell on it and a couple hours after, but it wasn't bothering her anymore. It was like she didn't even fall on it two days ago.

"Are you sure?" he asked.