He carefully picked up her ankles to examine them. He moved them in all different directions, while watching her facial expression.

"I think they're just really bruised. Put ice on them and keep off of them for a couple of days. If they get worse, come to me or take her to the clinic and they'll take some x-rays," Michael said as he started to look at her wrists and did the same thing. "And the same with her wrists. Ice and if they get worse, take her to the clinic."

"Thank you," Daddy said.

"Now, can I see your stomach?"

Daddy carefully lifted up her shirt and Michael took a look before gently pressing around. She winced several times when he pressed on the tender parts.

"Nothing seems to be seriously injured. I would give her some pain medicine and let her rest a lot these next couple of days," Michael said as he stood up.

"Thank you so much for coming," Daddy said. "What do you say, Little one?"

"Thank you," she whispered.

She didn't like that he had to look her over, but she knew he took time away from Monroe to come examine her.

"You're welcome," Michael said. "Would you like to look at some of the stickers I have and pick out two for being such a good girl?"

Sofia sat up straighter and nodded her head. She wanted the stickers. Michael chuckled and grabbed two books, handing them to her. She briefly scanned the pages but stopped when she saw the cows.

"Ahhh," Daddy said. "I should've known she would go for those."

Michael chuckled and handed her two of the stickers she pointed at.

"Now," Michael said. "I hope I don't have to see you again for something like this. Next time it will be at the club when you're playing with Monroe and the other Littles or at the clinic when you come for your check up."

Sofia stilled at the mention of the check up. She didn't want one of those and she was going to do her hardest not to get one.

"Thank you again," Daddy said.

Michael left and she snuggled into her Daddy's body. She didn't want to do anything but relax in his embrace.

"I love you," he gently told her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"When do you want to get married?"

Sofia thought about it for a second. When did she want to get married to him? She didn't want to wait a long time because screw that.

"A month?" she sounded so unsure but she didn't want to wait. "I don't want anything fancy. Just a small wedding and we can invite the other Littles, the Daddies and Mommies that we know from the club."

Sofia had never wanted a big wedding, if she was ever going to get married. The smaller the better. She wanted it to be intimate and meaningful with the people she knew best.

It was going to be sad that her best friend from Chile couldn't be here, but there was nothing she could do about it. Sofia knew though that her best friend didn't like weddings and probably wouldn't have come any way. She didn't go to her own sister's wedding, no matter how much her sister begged her to go.

Daddy kissed her forehead. "That sounds perfect."

"Maybe we could get married in your backyard?" Sofia suggested. "I think everyone could fit there."

"I think I have a better idea. You remember Gene, right?" Daddy said. "The farmer who delivers our produce."

Sofia nodded her head. Gene was a nice guy whenever she saw him.

"He owns the farm. They also have some houses there for people who need to get away or be somewhere safe," Daddy said. "But he also has an open field with the most beautiful trees and a barn. I'm pretty sure he would let us use it for the wedding."

"Yessss," Sofia said. "I love that idea."