It warmed Jaxson's heart that they were already concerned about Sofia, and not just because they were hired to protect her, but in a personal way. They were warming up to Sofia and treated her like they were friends.

"She's exhausted, scared, and worried. Sofia is down for a nap right now," Jaxson said. "Hopefully she'll sleep for a couple of hours so she can get some rest."

"Has she been sleeping okay? Eating alright?" Antonio asked.

"Sleeping not so well, but I wrap her up in my arms when she wakes up and she normally goes back to sleep. I’m making sure she eats enough. She's already tiny and I can't have her losing any more weight."

He had been watching her eating habits and making sure she was getting enough food. Sofia had gained a couple of pounds, but he wanted her to gain a couple more. Michael had said for her to gain at least ten pounds. So, that was Jaxson's goal, then they would reevaluate with a full checkup. She looked healthier as the days went on, well as healthy as she could be considering everything that was going on.

"Well, with you as her Daddy I don't think she'll be losing any weight. So don't worry about that, and the sleep will get better," Ezra said. "Just give it some time and maybe have her talk to someone."

He nodded his head. He had thought about having her talk to someone about this, so she could process it all, but he didn't want to push her. Not everyone liked talking to a professional and sometimes it didn't help them. He didn't want her to do something that would actually hinder her.

"Have you guys got anything?" Jaxson asked as he sat down on the chair.

He was hoping to hear good news; that they had found the person.

"I didn't find anything on my walk around the perimeter. They didn't leave anything," Ezra said. "And no one came back while you were up in the room with her."

Jaxson relaxed a little on the couch. That was good news, but it wasn't at the same time. They didn't have any clue whothe person could be, and they didn't leave anything behind to indicate who it was.

“But we do have a lead. Or at least we have a suspect,” Antonio said.

Jaxson raised his eyebrows in shock. He didn’t think that they would have a suspect when they didn’t leave anything behind. Maybe they caught something on the camera that he hadn’t been able to.

“Who is it?” Jaxson asked.

“Monty,” Antonio replied.

Jaxson stilled at the mention of Monty’s name. That was not who he was suspecting and he didn’t think she had a bad bone in her body. Could it really be her?

Monty and Sophia were close and the timelines wouldn’t add up. Monty hadn’t been at the club when Sophia started her shift. It was after Sofia got sick that Leo called Monty and she came in. Maybe she had someone else leave the note in Sofia’s locker.

That was a possibility, but something just didn’t sit right with Jaxson. Monty was sweet and he knew that she had a brother she was taking care of. He didn’t think she would be up for it, and he didn’t know what she would even gain.

It’s not like Monty would get more shifts at the club if Sophia left the country. He had told the employees that if they needed more or less shifts to come to him and talk about it. They would discuss the employee’s needs and figure things out.

Which means it wouldn’t make sense for Monty to do it. Sophia didn’t know anybody in the country, besides the people that worked at the club. Who would want Sophia to be gone?

Jaxson tried to make sense of it in his head, but every scenario he came up with, it just didn’t add up. Monty couldn’t be the person who wanted to get rid of Sophia.

It just wasn’t possible.

“That doesn’t seem like Monty,” Jaxson said. “She’s a sweet person. She and Sophia are super close.”

“Do you know Monty well?” Ezra asked.

“I don’t know her very well, but when I’ve interacted with her, she was really nice. She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. Everyone that interacts with her always sings high praises. She’s one of my best employees,” Jaxson said. He didn't know why she would do this. It doesn’t make sense.

“Does Sophia have something that Monty would want?” Antonio asked.

“I don’t think so,” he shook his head. “Sophia came to the United States with nothing, and she knew nobody. She still doesn’t have anything and only knows a couple people in the club. It just doesn’t add up and make sense.”

“Well, I’m going to dig a little deeper to see what I can find out. I’m not gonna rule her out though.”

Jaxson nodded his head. “As long as you don’t say anything or do anything to Monty before you have hard evidence. She has a brother, and I don’t want him to get taken from her if she didn’t do anything wrong.”

He had too many siblings broken up because of a false accusation when he was in the police force. It was hard on him, but it was normally even harder on the siblings. Child services made it nearly impossible for siblings to come back to each other after an accusation was put against them, even if it was false. He didn’t want that for Monty.