Page 74 of Be My Endgame

“I think she neither knows nor cares as long as he gets away with it.”

“And does she care that you are part of this team and we want you here?”

“Is that so?” Alex’s voice dipped, the question followed by an open-mouthed kiss to the back of Lee’s neck. “You mean the team in general, or you in particular?”

“Both.” Lee hadn’t intended to be this honest, but it was hard to think with Alex all up against him, one hand inching lower towards where Lee couldn’t quite hide his interest in the proceedings.

“Good.” Another open-mouthed kiss to Lee’s back that came with just a hint of teeth.


“Are you all right?” Lee asked.

“I think” —Alex gave Lee’s cock a light squeeze, thumb swiping over the head— “you should fuck me.”

Bloody hell. Lee hung his head, breathing through the flash of arousal. “Not an answer.”

“I don’t really feel like talking right now.” To underline his point, Alex thrust gently against Lee, his erection slipping between Lee’s thighs. Lee moved into the contact, couldn’t help it, and God, this was not the time, so not the time. Alex was upset, and lunch was in an hour, and also, just… Maybe it was stupid and sentimental, but Lee didn’t want to be the first guy to fuck Alex by mere default, because he happened to be a conveniently available body with the right equipment. He wanted to be Alex’s first because Alex wantedhim. Lee. Lee, and not just anyone.

He was in too deep.

“Alex…” Lee stifled a groan when Alex gave another slippery thrust in time with his hand moving along Lee’s cock.

“Yes?” A smile coloured Alex’s voice, as though he’d already won this fight. Lee inhaled deeply, blinking water out of his eyes before he spun them around and walked Alex back against the wall of the shower. Alex went easily, pliant, canting his hips forward.

Lee stopped a breath’s width away from a kiss. “Are you all right?”

Alex opened his mouth and hesitated, eyes veiled, water clumping his lashes together. “I’m fine.”

He obviously wasn’t.

Lee framed his face with both hands and kissed him, sweet and soft. When he pulled back, Alex chased his mouth, and Lee gave in for another few seconds before he rested his foreheads against Alex’s. “You’re not fine.”

The rush of water nearly swallowed Alex’s, “I have to be fine.”

“Not the same thing.”


“So,areyou fine?”

Alex shifted out of Lee’s grasp, sudden harshness in his tone. “Look, what does it matter? I came in here because I could use a distraction, but clearly that’s a lost cause.”

“Alex—” Lee reached for empty air.

“I’ll be on my bed. Come find me when you’re ready to stop it with the twenty questions.” Without so much as a backwards glance, Alex wrenched the shower door open and left Lee alone under the spray. On his way out of the bathroom, Alex grabbed a towel off the rack, then slammed the door.

The fuck?

All right, fine, so Alex was … hurting, for sure, and probably a bit scared. That did not give him the right to treat Lee like his emotional rubbish bin, readily available for a hearty kick so Alex could make himself feel better. Lee had been trying to help, and yeah, okay, they weren’t boyfriends, fine—but they werefriends, for fuck’s sake. And with that came a certain expectation of honesty. If Alex couldn’t honour that? Well, screw him.

Lee took his damn time finishing up his shower, refusing to think about Alex in the next room, about Alex’s body pressed up against him only minutes ago, the taste of his mouth and the way he always seemed to move into Lee’s touch without even realising it.Refused.

After towelling off, Lee paused to stare at his own face in the mirror—the frown he hadn’t even been aware of, the grim twist to his mouth. Naturally, he hadn’t brought any clothes into the bathroom with him, so he wrapped the towel around his waist, straightened his spine, and opened the door.

Alex was on Lee’s bed.

Lee stopped and narrowed his eyes. He didn’t want to speak first because it was Alex who needed to apologise, but also, “That’s my bed.”