Page 71 of Be My Endgame

“Keep my head down. Play football.” Alex pressed his lips together. “Talk to my dad at some point, I suppose? My mum, too.” His shoulders dropped as he glanced away, eyes wet. “Fuck, I just—I don’tknow, Lee. I don’t know.”

Lee tightened his hold on Alex’s wrist, and God, he wanted to tell him it would be fine, everything would be fine, but how could he promise what he couldn’t control? “Have you told Jeff?”

“No.” Alex’s chest rose with a deep breath. “I didn’t want to ruin his night.”

“Mate, he’ll be mad at you for keeping this from him.”

“Yeah. But until then, he’ll have a nice time with a girl he seems to really like. Not an everyday occurrence, you know?”

Fuck, Lee liked him. So much. Here was this boy, thisman, who’d just received some life-altering news—and instead of leaning on his best mate for support, he put on a smile to protect others’ good time. How could Lee not kiss him for that? Alex sank into it immediately, clinging to Lee in a way he wouldn’t normally, faint taste of mint and the whiff of his cologne, all familiar by now. Behind Lee’s closed lids, the room spun on its axis before it righted again.

Even as they slowly drew apart, they stayed close, dim light washing over Alex’s features, sapping the colour from his hazel eyes, the tips of his lashes bleached after a month under the Spanish sun.

“First thing tomorrow” —Lee skimmed his thumb along the line of Alex’s jaw— “we get Jeff, Oliver, and Kieran together. Once this breaks, it will affect the team to some extent, subject us to media attention that’s got nothing to do with sport.”

“Do you think…” Alex’s voice dipped by a margin. “Should I return home? To protect the team.”

“No.” Lee put emphasis behind the word and made sure to hold Alex’s eyes. “Please don’t. You’re a fantastic player, and this team is better with you. Hell, you set up half my goals. We’re all adults here, aren’t we? The team can handle a bit of media heat.”

And I want you here.

While Lee didn’t say that last part, something might have shown in his eyes because Alex released a slow breath, his face softening. “Yeah?”

“Yes.” Lee let a smile shine through. “Now, you’ve had a bit of a day. How about we get ourselves to bed?”

“Just…” Alex’s gaze slid to the four-poster and its richly patterned brocade covers. “I know we—and I do, yeah? But I’m just so fuckingtired, so…”

It took Lee a second to work through Alex’s meaning, then he shook his head. “I honestly just meant that we should get some sleep, Alex.”

“Oh.” It was barely an actual word, Alex tilting a little into Lee as he released his breath in a rush. Lee brought his arms up around him and held on for a few moments, the noise in his mind finally quieting down.

“Sleep?” he murmured.

“Please.” Yet Alex didn’t immediately move to extract himself.

They stripped down to their boxers before sliding into bed, the mattress leaving plenty of space between them as Lee flicked off the light to plunge the room into darkness. It was Alex who shifted closer and tucked himself up against Lee’s side, one of his hands coming to rest flat on top of Lee’s chest. Lee covered Alex’s hand with his own and closed his eyes.

“Thank you,” Alex whispered into the small gap between them.

“Anytime.” Lee chose not to be scared by how much he meant it.

This, now, was enough.

“Well, fuck him.”That was Jeff, and maybe Alex should have expected him to go off like a firecracker, but it somehow still caught him by surprise. He tucked his hands between his thighs and stared up at Jeff who was pacing, backlit by the morning sun that streamed into the empty hotel bar.

“Innocent until proven guilty,” Kieran said calmly. Oliver, perched next to him on the very edge of a beige leather sofa as if ready to jump into action, stayed quiet. As did Lee, who stood by the seating group with his arms crossed and an air that suggested he was ready to shoo away anyone who dared to approach. He’d been hovering since they’d got up that morning, always within reach as though Alex was a fragile flower that might break at the slightest breeze. Alex wasn’t quite sure whether it was sweet or insulting. Both, maybe.

He was … not fine, no. But better than he’d been last night.

“He’ssofucking guilty.” Jeff dropped into one of the armchairs. “He’s an entitled prick—no offence, Alex—who would have found some way to justify his actions if he thought there was something to gain. Teaming up in defence of value and tradition or some shite like that.”

“Mate,” Lee cut in with an edge of humour, “don’t hold back, yeah? Tell us how you really feel.”

Jeff sent him a shrewd look. “Shut it,mate. Can’t believe Alex told you before he told me.”

“I was conveniently available.”

“You’re also myfriend,” Alex corrected Lee even though that hardly began to describe it. To Jeff, he added, “And I didn’t know you felt so … strongly, I guess. About my father.”