Whatever else Alex might have said got cut short when Lee moved back in to kiss him, sliding his free hand around to cup Alex’s arse. Alex dug his fingers into Lee’s back to pull him closer, sunshine flitting through Lee’s vision, the taste of chlorine on his lips. He could have easily lost himself in the moment, in Alex.But.
He broke their kiss and pulled back for a smile. “How about moving this onto dry land?”
“I hope that means you’re planning to have your wicked way with me,” Alex said.
“That’s exactly what it means.”
“Excellent.” With that, Alex twisted free to hoist himself out of the pool, Lee’s attention momentarily caught by the swell of Alex’s arse. God bless the invention of squats.
Alex glanced over his shoulder, gloriously naked, wetness glistening on his skin. “Coming?”
“Not quite yet.”
Warmth shone in Alex’s laugh. “Well, then get a move on.”
Since Alex had a point, Lee did. They moved over to the garden sofa, Lee unfolding a blanket he’d left out before their run, along with lube and condoms.
“You’ve made preparations?” Alex sounded amused and so,sofond as he stretched out on the blanket, draping one of his legs over the backrest before he beckoned Lee closer. As if Lee could resist.
He settled between Alex’s thighs. “What can I say? I’m a planner.”
Sunlight and summer tangled in Alex’s eyes, his smile sweet. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I love you,” Lee said.
“But I know that.”
Lee poked Alex’s stomach, and Alex laughed.
“Fine, I love you too. Now…” Alex’s thighs fell open, one leg still draped over the back of the couch. “If you think you couldfinallyfuck me, that would be splendid. Think I’ve been patiently waiting for about a decade, so…”
“We could also—“
“Do it the other way around, I know.” Alex raised himself up on his elbows to kiss the frown off Lee’s mouth, then fell back onto the blanket. “We will. But this is—I want this, okay? It’s not… God, this is going to sound ridiculous, but it’s something I’ve never done before. And I love the idea of sharing that with you. Because I love you, and I trust you, and I want this.”
Lee shook his head, his stupid heart giving a stupid twist in his chest. “Way to make me feel special.”
“You are,” Alex said simply, and that—he just—it wasn’tfair, the way he made Lee feel.
“The reason I waited?” Lee leaned down to rub their noses together, and yeah, that was silly and sentimental. He didn’t care. “I mean, honestly, we could have made it happen atsomepoint while sharing a room for weeks, crazy busy or not. But I wanted it to be… I didn’t want to be your default.”
Confusion creased Alex’s brow. “My default?”
“I didn’t want to be your first just because you didn’t exactly have a range of options.”
“You’re a romantic.” Alex sounded delighted by his realisation. It startled a laugh out of Lee, the heaviness of the moment melting away.
“I don’t think anyone has ever accused me of that.”
“It was a compliment.”
“Oh.” Lee considered it, then nodded, his nose dragging over Alex’s cheek. “Good.”
“If that’s quite sorted, maybe we could move things along?” Alex raised his hips to emphasise the point and yes, right.