“Are you psychoanalysing me?”
“Only a little.”
“What’s the diagnosis?”
“High need for affiliation.” Lee correctly interpreted Alex’s pointed look and elaborated. “Heightened need to belong, to the point where you risk conforming to your parents’ and other people’s expectations at the cost of your own needs and desires. Sensitivity to rejection, even if it’s perceived. Struggling with decisions that could disappoint others.”
“Jesus, don’t mince your words.” Alex retreated a little, and Lee drew him back in, smiling.
“Great team player.” Lee’s voice was warm, possibly even fond. “Nowhere near as comfortable with attention as you pretend to be, and one of those rare and wonderful players who are just as happy to assist in a goal as they are scoring it themselves.”
“You’re just glad I’m helping you score. Also, you just made all of that up.” Yet Alex couldn’t help but smile back, leaning into Lee’s fingers carding through his hair.
“One, I am hoping to score.” Lee raised both eyebrows to convey his meaning. “And two, nope, I didn’t. Told you I read up on some psychology stuff when I started suspecting that my mum’s behaviour wasn’t just down to substance abuse. Need for affiliation isn’t a diagnosis, though. Just something that’s part of the human condition, but some people have it more than others.”
Huh. Something to consider, but not today.
“In that case…” Alex pressed closer, chest to chest, noses bumping. He lowered his voice. “A joint shower might satisfy my need for affiliation.”
“How opportunistic, Beaufort.” Lee’s hand skimmed down Alex’s back, then cupped his arse to pull him in, their hips aligning. For just a second, Alex lost his focus.
“Shower?” he asked, and he didn’t care if that wasn’t clever, didn’t care if he sounded breathless.
Lee’s gaze dropped to Alex’s mouth, his voice honey-slow. “Shower. Yeah.”
It feltgood—being the sole centre of Lee’s focus and the way Lee’s eyes narrowed when Alex wet his lips, instinctive rather than calculated. They didn’t have much time before lunch, so Alex started moving backwards, pulling Lee along towards the bathroom.
“Boots off,” Lee protested, and somehow, it cut through the seriousness that had settled over them.
“Glad you’ve got your priorities sorted.” With a huff of laughter, Alex kneeled to unlace his trainers and align them next to the door, ditching his socks too, before he headed for the bathroom and peeled off his jersey as he went. Lee followed, clothes hitting the floor—his body leanly muscled, his abs outlined by the overhead light. Alex’s attention rested on the tattoo on Lee’s hip before he let his gaze dip down further. Of course it wasn’t the first time Alex had seen a guy naked, what with having spent a portion of his formative years in locker rooms, but, well. This was different. The slight curve of Lee’s erection and how Lee paused, unabashed, so Alex could look his fill.
“Can I…” Alex didn’t quite know how to finish the sentence, and Lee’s grin softened into something more intimate.
“Answer’s yes.”
“You don’t know what I was going to ask.”
“Answer’s still yes.” Lee tilted his head and drew closer. “Although we’re on a bit of a deadline, so the answer might be yes, but later.”
“Good point.” Alex reached back blindly to turn on the shower, focus still on Lee, and then they were pressed together, naked skin and Lee’s fingers trailing down Alex’s arm as they stumbled under the spray of water, the light dimmer inside the shower stall. Alex wasn’t sure if he was the one seeking out Lee’s mouth, it didn’t really matter—he just closed his eyes as he gripped Lee’s waist and allowed Lee to walk him back against the tiled wall, solid and cool against his shoulder blades, Lee warm along his front, water surrounding them.
When Lee slid to his knees, Alex sucked in a breath and opened his eyes, watched Lee watching him. Lee blinked against the water as he brought his hands to the backs of Alex’s thighs. “Yeah?” he asked, a secretive murmur that made something tighten in Alex’s chest, his centre of gravity tipping sideways for just a moment.
Lee moved Alex so most of the water hit Alex’s chest and didn’t break eye contact as he dipped his head. Alex didn’t look away either. The first brush of Lee’s mouth was gentle, lips catching on the tip of Alex’s cock, tongue darting out for a quick taste. Alex inhaled, legs shaky in spite of the wall behind him, reaching out to touch Lee’s jaw before he brought his hand around to lightly cup the back of Lee’s head.
A sudden smile lit Lee’s eyes, and when he leaned back in, there was no hesitation, no gentleness—steady pressure and a wicked flick of Lee’s thumb, water dripping from Alex’s wet hair into his eyes, the rest of the room slipping away because Lee was all Alex could see. A rush to the head each time Alex blinked, biting his lip to keep quiet, spiralling higher and trusting Lee to catch him.
Just a little more, please,yes.
Alex tried to nudge Lee back and met resistance. With both hands, Lee trapped Alex’s hips against the tiles, limiting Alex’s movements to tiny shudders as Lee’s tongue flattened against the underside of Alex’s cock. The tiniest sting of pain, Lee’s nails biting into Alex’s waist, and maybe that was what did it or maybe it was justLee—Lee and the way he kept blinking water out of his eyes, glancing up at Alex every so often.
Alex’s orgasm pulled him under, irresistible. He was loosely aware of Lee steadying him, swallowing, and then Alex slid to the floor and reached for Lee, wasn’t quite sure about the protocol until Lee kissed him, the slight taste of salt and a hint of sweet bitterness shared between them. Somehow, Alex got one hand around Lee’s cock.