Page 61 of Be My Endgame

“Like a charm.” With that, Alex moved to straddle Lee’s lap because he wasn’t a blushing virgin, for Christ’s sake. Holding hands and kisses on cheeks were all well and good, but he’d moved past considering that a feature-length film at the age of fifteen and hadn’t looked back.

“And they say porn doesn’t reflect reality.” Lee’s voice had roughened just a little as he stared up at Alex, face awash in bronze light. He wasn’t moving though, and that just wouldn’t do.

“It would be an even better reflection of reality if you kissed me,” Alex said. “Just, you know. Throwing it out there.”

“Yeah?” Lee ran his fingers along the outside of Alex’s leg and around, skimming over Alex’s arse before he untucked the shirt and flattened his palm against the small of Alex’s back. “What about this, then?”

“It’s a start,” Alex allowed, lowering his head slightly.

“A start.” Lee’s lips quirked into a smile, the gust of his exhalation feathering over Alex’s chin. “Thought you wanted to take it slow?”

“Slow, yes. But not at the speed of a continental drift on a lazy Sunday.”

With that, Alex finally dipped his head and brought their mouths together. It started out with just a gentle brush of their lips, warmth and a breath shared between them. Lee was the one who deepened it—fingertips digging into Alex’s back, his other hand coming up to cup Alex’s jaw so he could change the angle, tongue licking into Alex’s mouth. Alex opened willingly, clutching Lee’s shoulder to steady himself against the kaleidoscope of colours behind his lids.Oh.

He circled his hips down and swallowed Lee’s gasp. Screw slow—this was better. When Alex pulled back a little, just to get some air, Lee chased his mouth and Alex let himself be drawn right back into the kiss, back into Lee. He shoved at Lee’s shoulder, and Lee fell backwards, Alex following him down.

“Okay?” Lee asked, just before he claimed Alex’s mouth for another kiss.

“Brilliant,” Alex said even though they were hanging half off the bed, threatening to slide off. That changed when Lee rolled them onto their sides and shuffled up the mattress, hauling Alex along. Alex had never been manhandled before—it was a bit of a turn-on.

Lee broke their kiss. Alex made a plaintive noise that turned into a groan when Lee ducked down to nip at Alex’s throat, and honestly, what was up with Lee’s penchant for using his teeth on Alex?

“Sure your dad was Italian?” Alex tipped his head back for better access. “Could’ve been a vampire too.”

Lee raised himself up slightly. Heavy-lidded, with his face flushed and a smile dancing around his mouth, he was just about breathtaking. “You asking me to stop?”

“Not at all. Nope. Wouldn’t occur to me.”

“Well then.” Lee slid lower, pausing to unbutton Alex’s shirt so he could get his mouth on Alex’s collarbone. That was … good, yes. Very, very good. Alex closed his eyes, surrounded by the soft rustle of sheets, the scent of the hotel’s detergent and a faint whiff of Lee’s deodorant. His own hands found their way under Lee’s T-shirt, one tracing the bumps of Lee’s spine, the other flat against his stomach to feel each breath he took.

It wasn’t sweet, not exactly, but it was bright and unhurried—minutes sliding by as Alex learned the shape of Lee’s torso by touch, the delicious sting of Lee’s teeth on Alex’s skin until Alex got his fingers into Lee’s short hair and drew him up for another kiss. Alex was hard, could tell that Lee was too, but there was something exquisite about dragging it out, the luxury of sharing this space for a few more days at least, about taking their time.

Alex wasn’t sure whether he was the one who slowed down first or whether it was Lee, the gaps between kisses lengthening like the evening shadows around them. Eventually, they were just breathing together, close enough for the details of Lee’s features to blur.

“Enough continental drifting for tonight?” Lee asked, voice a murmur.

“In the best way,” Alex replied, just as quietly. He propped himself up on one elbow to grin down at Lee, stomach giving a pleasant twist at the way Lee’s focus dropped to Alex’s mouth. “Should probably get some sleep, but perhaps we can aim for third base tomorrow?”

Lee grinned back. “It’s a date.”

“Right, then.” Alex lingered for another beat before he rolled off Lee’s bed, the partially unbuttoned shirt flapping open. He didn’t have to glance over to know that Lee was watching but he did so anyway, catching Lee’s eyes.

They brushed their teeth side by side at the double sink, hips bumping on occasion, the silence comfortable. It didn’t feel vastly different from any other evening they’d done this, and yet it was—Lee’s hand briefly settling between Alex’s shoulder blades as he passed, Alex leaning in to press his nose against Lee’s neck for a deep intake of air, a new resonance to it when they said good night across the gap between their beds.

For once, Alex didn’t need to know where things were headed, was fine to just go with the flow. They might have just a few days left, after all.

Lee had never beenin love. Not until now, anyway. Maybe it wasn’t love though, just infatuation—that blinding softness washing over him when he woke up and rolled over to look at Alex, still asleep in the diffused light of morning, lashes feathered out against his cheeks.

This had the potential to hurt.

The first time Lee had nurtured a crush on Alex, he’d barely known him—he’d seen a pretty face and the radiant charm of a boy who had everything going for him. Now, he knew what Alex sounded like first thing in the morning and tired after a training session, the difference between a practised smile and one that was real, his clever brain and dry sense of humour, the taste of his skin, and how his breathing sped up when he was turned on. Walking away would be so much harder this time.

There’s always someone who wants more than the other.

Lee just hadn’t thought it would ever be him. With Giovanni, it had been easy. They’d liked each other, but mostly, it had been convenient, and returning to the UK had been a decision Lee hadn’t even considered discussing with Giovanni before he’d made it. Alex, though? He knocked Lee sideways, a little breathless at even just the thought of stripping Alex fully naked and getting his mouth on all that smooth, creamy skin. It couldn’t be further from casual, the way Lee felt about him—which might make this a horrible idea, pull the emergency brakesnow.

Except Lee didn’t want to. If a few more days was all that he’d get, well, he’d take it. And who knew? Liverpool and Manchester were just an hour apart, so…