“Never,” Alex said with conviction. “We’ll be old and grey and my mind will slip at times, but that part I won’t forget.”
“Glad I made a lasting impression.” Any lingering trace of heaviness had dissipated from Lee’s posture, and only now did Alex acknowledge to himself that it was what he’d been aiming for ever since he’d caught sight of Lee in that armchair, staring at nothing.
“Unforgettable,” Alex said with all the dramatic flair of a cheesy pop ballad, and Lee snorted but didn’t deign it with a response. When he brushed past Alex on his way to the bathroom, he paused just long enough to curve one hand around Alex’s waist, leaning in for a gentle neck bite while Alex stood completely still, breath catching in his throat. Jesus.
With a tiny grin that said he knew exactly what he was doing, Lee moved on. Alex was left staring at the closed bathroom door, the shower starting to run a moment later.
Wow, okay. Alex might have accidentally jumped into the deep end, but fuck if he wasn’t going to figure out how to swim. His heart was still beating a tad too fast when he pulled on his clothes, stomach hot with anticipation at the uncharted waters ahead.
And somehow, he was loving it.
Alex wasn’t shy.
He might have been shy once, when he’d been little, but it wasn’t a trait well-suited to the Earl of Clydesdale and future Duke of Eastwyck, so he’d been trained out of it. Social situations didn’t scare him anymore.
Making his way back to the room, Lee right next to Alex just like he’d been all throughout dinner—Alex wasn’tscared, no. But he did feel uncommonly shy. He hovered an arm’s length away while Lee tapped the keycard against the lock before he held the door for Alex, and had he done that before? Alex couldn’t remember.
He sent Lee a quick smile as he walked past him into the room, then drew to a halt not far from the foot of Lee’s bed. Too close? He didn’t want to seem desperate, but he also didn’t want to come across as overly reserved.
“Cat got your tongue?” Lee asked quietly, and Alex spun around.
“No!” He cleared his throat, shook his head. “No.”
Casual? Nailed it.
Lee left his shoes by the door before he padded closer, eyes serious. “Okay, so… Talk to me?”
“Um.” Alex tugged on his ear, then remembered it was a nervous habit he’d ditched years ago. “Sure. About what?”
“Anything.” Lee walked past Alex and sat down on the edge of his bed, silent for a beat before he looked up at Alex with a cautious tilt to his head. “Like whether you still want to do this.”
“Yes.” Too desperate. Alex dialled it down a notch. “I do, I swear. Just a bit nervous is all.”
Something twitched around the corners of Lee’s mouth. “Okay, here’s the plan: we’ll start with you deepthroating me, and then maybe I can give you a quick rim job, get you ready to take my cock. Then let’s do it all again, but switch roles.” Another twitch of Lee’s lips. “How’s that sound?”
“It’s not funny,” Alex told him with as much dignity as he could muster, sudden laughter tickling the back of his throat.
“Oh, but it is.” Lee’s grin emerged in full—bright and almost sweet as he leaned forward, hands laced between his thighs. “Look, it’s not a race, okay? Or a test. When I said I want you, I didn’t mean immediately, right this second, drop your trousers, what are youwaitingfor? Not that I’m opposed as such, but it’s certainly not my expectation.”
Alex exhaled and chuckled softly. “Right, yeah. That makes sense.”
“Then how about you take off your shoes” —Lee waved his hand— “and sit down next to me? And then we just see.”
“Sounds good.” It did. So Alex toed off his trainers and lined them up near the entrance, then glanced at the balcony door they’d left half-open before dinner, golden evening light spilling in. Just a few days past the peak of summer daylight.
When Alex crossed the room back over to where Lee was sitting, he felt calmer, anticipation curling warm in his belly, but no longer edged with jittery excitement. He paused in front of Lee to take in the dark eyes and prominent slant of Lee’s cheekbones, the subtle upwards curve of his mouth. Fucking gorgeous. Lee leaned back on his hands and met Alex’s gaze, simply waiting.
Somehow, it settled the last of Alex’s nerves. “Hi,” he said softly.
The corners of Lee’s mouth tugged up more. “Hi.”
“Come here often?” Alex took a deliberate step forward, and Lee’s legs parted to make room.
“Every now and then.” Lee sat up straight and slid his hands along the backs of Alex’s thighs, tilting his head to watch Alex’s face as his voice took on a playful note. “Can’t say I’ve seen you round here before, though. I tend to remember beautiful things—and you, my friend, top the list.”
Alex grinned. “Another line you stole from porn?”
“Yeah. Is it working?”