He didn’t.
Camp Nou.
The stadium was a football cathedral—close to a hundred thousand people filling the stands, and Alex fought to control his breathing as they lined up for the national anthems. If they lost today…
As if by accident, Jeff tapped the side of his foot against Alex’s. When Alex glanced over, Jeff winked. “If you need to throw up, wait until we’re shaking their hands.”
“Not helping,” Alex hissed even though it did, just a little.
On Jeff’s other side, Lee leaned forward just enough to flash Alex a smirk. “But imagine your father’s face when his pals in the House of Lords ask why his son is making a spectacle of himself.”
“Reallynot helping,” Alex told him but found he had to bite down on a smile.
They all fell silent as the first solemn notes of Morocco’s national anthem poured from the speakers. Alex counted the beats and matched his breathing to them in a way that had become familiar from the guided meditations Lee did most mornings. By the timeGod Save the Queenpoured from the speakers, the sickening quiver in his belly had quieted somewhat.
The game started out frantic. While England could afford a draw, Morocco needed a win to safely progress to the round of sixteen, and they came out strong, throwing themselves into every confrontation, pressing high and swarming any England player who had the ball.
It took several minutes before Alex and Jeff managed to gain proper control of the midfield—quick touches and constant rotation between the two of them and Declan, Lee a little further ahead, darting in and out of the Moroccan defence line. Alex lost himself in the flow of the game, his sense of time suspended, the noise of the crowd receding to the back of his mind.
Fifteen minutes in, or twenty. Thirty, maybe.
Jeff on the left, onside, a Moroccan player just a step behind him. Lee, just up ahead. Toby, wide open on the right. Alex passed and dashed forward, got the ball back and sliced it through a gap between two defenders, Lee sprinting to intercept it.
No chance for the goalkeeper. The ball slotted into the upper right corner, hit the back of the net, and Alex was still running, threw his arms up and slowed down just as he collided with Lee, laughing, both of them laughing, then Jeff and Declan and Toby, the crowd exploding into screams and thunder.
Lee’s hand slid from Alex’s shoulder down his arm, fingertips grazing Alex’s wrist. Hyperaware, Alex stepped back to let other teammates crowd in, caught Lee’s gaze, the bright happiness in his eyes. Alex sucked in a breath and another, heart thudding high in his throat.
He checked the time—nineteen minutes down. The match was far from over.
Jeff seemed to have run the same calculation because he shouted, “Stay sharp, everyone! We snooze, we lose!”
Shouts of agreement as the group broke apart. The Moroccan team huddled nearby, players gesticulating, words urgent. As Alex trotted back to his starting position, Lee caught up with him.
“Brilliant pass.”
“Brilliant goal,” Alex returned.
Lee’s grin showed a neat row of white teeth. “Let’s keep it up, yeah?”
Nodding, Alex grinned back. “Let’s.”
Play like you’re one goal down, Kieran’s voice told him in his head, the man himself hovering at the very edge of his coaching zone, in an animated discussion with Jeff.
Seventy-one minutes left.
Posted by@AlexanderBeaufort (June 25, 11:03 p.m.):
ROUND OF 16!!!
“Looking good.”Shelly whistled, sitting cross-legged on Lee’s bed. Tonight’s hotel, just outside of Barcelona, was all sleek, modern lines, and his room followed the same concept, with some Catalan-inspired art the only nod to their surroundings. “Trying to impress someone?”
Lee finished buttoning up the white shirt Alex had gotten him a couple of weeks ago, and maybe this was a bad idea. They’d won—they’d fucking won—so Lee was under no obligation to dress up in any way, could have just stuck with the standard-issue team wear. And yet.
“Who would I be trying to impress?” he asked because he wasn’t, but maybe he kind of was. Except Alex already liked Lee, already thought he was attractive, so why did Lee feel a need to go the extra mile?