Page 77 of Until Posey

My body hummed. My brain short-circuited. He held me close, while his hips still gave lazy thrusts as we gathered our tattered wits. I didn’t want to move. Didn’t even care if anyone needed me for the day. I’d rather stay right here with Hunter.

“Fuck, Baby girl,” Hunter whispered. “I’m still hard.”

I gave a huffed laugh then groaned as Hunter flexed within me. “We still have a few minutes or so, if you’d like to go for round two.” I glanced over my shoulder at him and grinned. “I won’t say no.”

“You’re the best fucking thing to ever happen to me,” he whispered, before nuzzling my neck. “I love you, Posey Roberts.”

Sighing, I sank into his embrace as he flexed his hips. “I love you too, Hunter Banks. You’ve changed my life forever.”



Three years later...

The call came in about a week ago. A mother in Knoxville had chosen me and Hunter to be the parents of her baby. A baby, it would seem, that was on his way right now. We packed up the car as quickly as we could, dropped Destiny off with Ireland to spend the day with her cousins, then hit the road.

Along the way, the social worker involved in our case gave us updates. Elizabeth was a sixteen-year-old runaway. She’d met a boy at the shelter and this baby was the result.

“Are you scared?” Hunter asked, holding my hand as we drove.

“A little. Aren’t you?” I glanced in his direction. His gaze was on the road while his knuckles were white with tension.

Over the last three years, we’d discussed growing our family. Destiny was almost ready for pre-K, and we’d had a serious talk about my fertility issues. Doctors had diagnosed me with PCOD at a young age and though I didn’t have some of the outward signs of the disease, inside; I was a raging mess. Between the endometriosis and the cysts in my ovaries, the doctors said I had about a one in a million chance of ever conceiving and carrying a baby to term.

How I thought Hunter would react, and how he did, were on opposite ends of the spectrum. He went all in on adoptive dad mode, even going farther by asking me if I’d like to foster kids too.The house is enormoushe said,we could do whatever we want. We’ve got this.If we became foster parents, I knew we’d be the best damn home in the state. I wouldn’t let it be any other way.

So, we did both. Foster and adopt. This baby was the first step.

Nervous energy crawled through my veins. As we made the almost three-hour drive along I-40, the case worker texted us, it was almost time. Elizabeth was eager to meet us and to bring our new son into the world, but there was a complication. She was too small to deliver such a big baby boy.

“Are you asking us to provide permission to give Elizabeth a C-Section?” Hunter asked as he took the exit to the hospital.

“Elizabeth made you her proxy since you’re the adults,” the social worker said. “She’s been in labor now eighteen hours and has only dilated to three. The doctors are reluctant to go any farther in her labor, but they’ll go as long as she wants, and the baby is within the safe zone stress wise.”

I frowned. “Where is she going to go after they release her?”

“To a group home. I have triple checked the location myself, Posey. I know how you feel about kids being in abusive situations, but she’ll be taken care of. She’s safe there. Two mothers run the home, and they only take in teen girls so they can heal properly.” I relaxed marginally. Even though I had no decision-making abilities for Elizabeth past the birth of this child, she was giving us the best gift in the world, a baby.

“They know about this too?” I hedged. “That Elizabeth is going to need a C-Section?”

“Yes. I’ve been in contact with them all day, just like I’ve been speaking to you. They’re already preparing her room for the coming weeks,” our social worker said. “She’ll be taken care of and attended to.”

“Then do it,” Hunter said. “We don’t want her to suffer or for this to hurt the baby, either. We’d rather have a healthy child than risk losing both.” He stopped at the red light and flicked on his blinker. “We should be there in ten.”

“I’ll let the doctor know,” she said before hanging up.

Hunter glanced in my direction as he turned the corner. “You’re worried.”

I nodded. “I don’t think I’ll ever not be when it comes to kids in the system.”

Hunter grinned. “It’s part of what makes you so good at your job, Baby girl. The way you care for all these kids, even though half of them you’ll never meet, shows me just how much of a good person you really are. I couldn’t be prouder of you, Posey. I’m a lucky son of a bitch to call you my wife and the mother of my children.”

He got me. Right in the heart. “You’re going to make me cry even before we meet the baby.”

“It’s a happy day,” he said. “We should be crying.”

“I’m so scared,” I whispered. “What if she meets us and hates us? What if she changes her mind? What if we get there and something horrible happens?”