Page 27 of Until Posey

I knew I told Posey I’d cook for her, but after the day I had, I didn’t have the energy. Plus, I was already behind schedule. So, I called Mack. I’d explain everything when Posey got here. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be too angry about it. Food was food, after all.

There was a quick knock at my door followed by a chime on my phone signaling the food had been delivered. Mack didn’t use those fancy dining apps, though he stayed competitive in his own way with a few delivery drivers. However, most patrons continued to come back to his restaurant for the full experience ofFlame.

Once I brought the food in, I plated up our dinners and was just throwing away the to-go bags when a knock came again. This time, I recognized the tapping. Posey didn’t have one of those authoritative demanding knocks. She was tentative. Respectful—even when she didn’t have to be.

“Coming,” I said, crossing to the front entry. I pulled the door too and grinned. “You’re right on time.”

Posey stared up at me. Her lips parted in a soft gasp, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to hold back the groan building in my throat. I’d realized, standing at the threshold of my house, work clothes did a disservice to Posey’s curvy as fuck body.

Tonight, she wore some kind of silky wrap dress with a tie on the side, ballerina flats, and her curly hair had been piled up on the top of her head in some kind of intricately beautiful bun, allowing some curls to frame her face. Her cheeks were rosy, and her lips were a full and pouty pink, just like I imagined they were this morning, when I jerked off in the shower.Stupid fucker, you’re supposed to be making her comfortable, not scaring her off with your monster cock and misogyny.

“Cat got your tongue?” I quirked a brow, tilting my head while staring at her.

“Sorry.” She chuckled under her breath. “This is all new to me.”


She shook her head. “Having dinner with a parent.”

“Well, if it makes you feel better, I’m into role playing.” The joke landed about as well as expected, especially since she looked at me like I’d grown a second head. “Never mind. Come on in. Dinner is ready.”

The confession sat on the tip of my tongue to tell her I’d ordered fromFlame,but I held back. Didn’t want to give the wrong impression on a first date. Though, I suppose, a better first date would have been going toFlameinstead of ordering in. Man, I was fucking this up.

“Where’s Destiny?” Posey stepped past me, her head on a swivel as she searched for the little girl.

“Sleeping. Suffice to say, today hasnotbeen a good day for her. Hopefully, she’ll rest through the night.” I rubbed the back of my neck as heat filled my cheeks. “Can you explain something to me?”

“I can try?” she said, the upward inflection of her tone matched the curious way her blue eyes ensnared me.

“How does a person that small shit all the way up her back and into her hair?” I’d been worried all day Destiny would do it again or worse, I’d have to take her to the local urgent care. As it was, before I put her down, her gums were splitting open and just the hint of a tooth was sticking out from both locations in her mouth. Fingers crossed, we were through the worst of it.

Posy laughed. The melodic sound tugged me from my thoughts and focused my attention on her where it should have been. “I don’t envy you.” The tittering sound of her amusement tugged at my heart and gut, causing not only my dick to ache but also my soul. She was so fucking perfect. Which made the whole situation of lying to her worse.

“That’s not an answer,” I teased.

“I’m assuming you have a strong gag reflex if you’re still alive to speak about it,” she said playfully.

“Thank fuck too,” I grumbled, motioning her to follow me into the kitchen where I’d set up our dinner in the breakfast nook. The space was intimate. If I wanted to whisper to her, I could. Right about now, all I could think about was pushing her dress up and fucking her on the table. “I have an assortment of drinks. Beer, hard alcohol, water, soda, juice. You tell me what you want, and I’ll get it for you.”

“Water is fine,” she said, taking a seat at the table. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

There was more to that statement, but I let it lie for now. She didn’t know me from Adam, except what she thought she knew, anyway. “Not a problem.” I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and a beer, then joined her, allowing her to open her bottle.

“So, are you going to expand on your diaper adventures today?” She stared at me over the lip of the bottle, and I swore she had the best fuck me gaze a man could ever want. Posey had done her makeup in what Ireland would call a smoky eye, accentuating her dazzling topaz irises. I’d love to see all that kohl running down her cheeks while I—damn it, stop thinking with your dick, asshole.

“Destiny is teething. I figured it out a couple of days ago when her bottom tooth started erupting. But she had no issues with her stomach. I guess today was my FAFO day.” I snorted.

“I’m sorry? Your what?”

“FAFO,” I replied. “Fuck Around and Find Out.”

Posey giggled. She covered her mouth as her eyes grew wide. The sound was belly deep, warm, and rich as she continued to snicker. “I shouldn’t laugh. This isn’t funny.”

“It is funny. Gross when it happened, though. I wish someone would have warned me.”

“The hazard of being a parent, I suppose,” she said, taking a sip of her water. “This looks fantastic. I’m glad you ordered fromFlame.”

Shocked, I sat there. I didn’t know what to say. How’d she figure it out? I thought I threw everything away that might give away what I’d done. “Uh...”