Page 42 of Until Posey

The narrowing of her eyes should’ve had me backing up, maybe considering apologizing. Instead, I stood my ground, knowing as much as she was a firecracker, she might have forgotten. I could give as good as I got. “Look me in the eye, Hunter, and tell me that Destiny is your kid.”

I held her gaze as I stood. I wasn’t above using my height to intimidate her. I kept my body ridge, bracing my hands on my waist to show superiority. “Destiny is mine.” I hated using that commanding tone with my sister. She was my ally, not my enemy.

She put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “Oh? So, the DNA test came back a positive then?” When I said nothing, Ireland pushed. “Maybe I need to set up a lunch date with Posey. Have a conversation or two with her about the case.”

I grunted. I’d have to tread lightly here because Ireland would do it. She’d spread seeds of doubt to Posey, and maybe push her to get a DNA test when, so far, she hadn’t. Posey had trusted Hope. If I warned Ireland to stay away from Posey, the stubborn little witch in front of me would dig in and try to be best friends within the week with Posey.

I kept my response short and simple. “Stay the fuck out of it, Ireland.” What did her stubborn ass do next, you ask? Ireland crossed her damn arms and smirked at me. Like what I said made no mind to her. “I’m serious, Ireland—” I needed to give her a bone— “evidentially, Posey is my Boom, I don’t need you fucking it up for me. Got it.”

She did a double take. “She’s your what!”

I rolled my eyes. “You heard me the first time.”

Ireland snickered. “Aren’t you the one who told Mack you didn’t believe in any of the mumbo jumbo bs?” Then the little shit started laughing. “Let me guess, she wants nothing to do with your manwhoring ways—” I glared at her— “or the fact that you have a kid. One you didn’t know existed until Posey showed up at your door with her. You gotta hate the fact that your Boom thinks so little of you.” Ireland placed her palms down on the desk. “Just tell me, all right? I meanherthe truth, Hunter. Stop with all the lies. Posey will know you’re not a douchebag then.”

Shit. I believe mentioning my ace card just backfired on me. I knew Ireland was poking at me to get a reaction. One I was just as determined not to give her.

“Posey doesn’t have any issues with me, Ire, other than I’m the father on the case she’s assigned to. Once the case is closed, all the barriers are going to be gone.” I was pulling shit out of my ass now, and I took some level of pleasure at watching my sister deflate in front of me as everything I said sank in. “Posey has trust issues—” I held up my hand, cutting Ireland off— “and they’re hers to tell, not mine.”

Ireland stood up and went back to crossing her arms. “I’m sure lying to her won’t help.” Her eyes narrowed, watching me intently. “Let me in on what’s going on, Hunter. I’ll support you. I swear.”

“I’m not lying to her.” I ignored the clench of guilt in my belly and continued speaking. “You need to back the fuck off, Ireland. I’ve been nice about it, but after today, that’s no longer a concession I’m going to give you. Got me? You need to focus on your family. On Mack and Mack Jr..” I exhaled. “Or even Jackson and Waverly. Why don’t you concern yourself with them?”

Ireland pursed her lips in distaste. “Jackson is insisting on doing everything himself.”

“Yet you’re here riding my ass, and not his,” I said. “Seems logical to me.”

“Yeah, well, I knew of his relationship with Waverly.” She nibbled on her lower lip. “Alandria is a carbon copy of our brother. Destiny looks nothing like you!”

“Jesus Christ, Ireland, let it go.” I pointed at her in warning. “Never let me hear you say that around my kid again. It’s bad enough she lost her mother. She doesn’t need her aunt throwing shade on who her dad is.”

I felt those words in my soul. Destiny wasn’t at fault for how she came to life. And if Mack couldn’t find family, there was the possibility Destiny could end up in the system. Something I’d fight to prevent.

Tears welled up in Ireland’s eyes and I ignored them. It was a response to my harsh tone, or she realized how far she stepped over the line. Either way, I didn’t give a shit. I was pissed at her now.

“Is Mack helping you?”


Why couldn’t she just let shit lie instead of pushing at me? No matter how I answer this question, it was gonna be the wrong answer. If I said yes, she’d know I’d been lying. If I say no, she’d get pissed I didn’t ask her, specifically, for help.

“Goin’ to say this one more time, Ire. Leave it the fuck alone.”

“I can’t do that, Hunter. We’re family,” she murmured, like I needed the reminder. “You were there when I went through everything with Edgar.”

“It’s not the same, Ire.”

She huffed. “I’ll just ask Mack. He’ll tell me.”

I exhaled, and stared up at the ceiling, hoping and yeah praying for patience in dealing with my sister. The petty tyrant had been lucky I loved her as much as I did. I wouldn’t stand for another person talking to me like she was.

“Then go ask your husband, Ire,” I bit out, hating the fact I could put discord into their marriage. I reminded myself for the hundredth time, the ends justified the means. I was protecting Destiny, but at what cost?

“I will,” she huffed before storming out of the office.

The tension that had been building eased. The rumble in my gut was either my body telling me more shit was about to be thrown at me, or that I was hungry. “Fuck it.” I growled at the laptop before searching the bag for my sandwich and pulling my coffee out of the carrier.

After I finished my food, I stood, taking the bag and cup carrier back out to the front office. Ireland was typing furiously on her phone. I honestly felt sorry for Mack for a moment or two. But if anyone could calm my sister down, it’d be her husband. I’d buy him a bottle or two of his favorite whiskey when this bullshit was done and over with. As an apology. Or hell, I might have to invest in a distillery by the time everything cooled off.