Page 34 of Until Posey

“Girrrrl.I’m with you there,” Lucy teased, and I realized I’d said that out loud. “Cheers to both of us getting laid.”

Like always, our conversation turns to our true first love. Books. Specifically, one of our favorite writers. She had been teasing about the release of her next book next year. Lucy was convinced we’d already been introduced to the hero’s mate, while I firmly believed it was someone we hadn’t met yet.

The conversation got heated, but playful, so I didn’t even see when the owner ofFlameappeared behind our seats until he cleared his throat. “Hunter knows you’re here, Posey?”

I blinked in shock. I thought Mack only knew my name because I’d questioned him along with Ireland. The fact he came over to us to ask a question, especially about Hunter, left me speechless. Or it was the alcohol. Of course, later, I’d also understand he wasn’t making a request. He demanded an answer.

Goddamned Alpha males and their Alpha-assholeness.

Lucy recovered first and rolled her eyes at him, as if he were insignificant to her. “Last time I looked, Posey didn’t need Mr. Bank’s permission to do anything.”

I glanced down, wondering if the floor could open me up and swallow me whole. When it remained closed, and I was still here, I cringed. Gathering my wits, which was hard because I was well past buzzed, heading straight to drunk, I looked at Mack.

Mack hadn’t liked Lucy’s comment, but he didn’t say a word. Nor had he moved. What he had done was cock a brow at Lucy’s sassy backtalk. I grimaced and squinted at him, swearing I saw a small smirk float across his lips. But it happened so quickly, I couldn’t be sure. “Becca, do me a favor and comp these ladies’ tabs for me tonight. Then finish up your shift and head home.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Redman,” our bartender for tonight said from beside us.

“We could’ve paid for our drinks and food,” I said, as I pulled my purse off my lap and became acutely aware the bar only had a couple of stragglers left in it.

“You could have, but you didn’t need to, Posey,” Mack said, his tone well-practiced and friendly as he glanced between the two of us. “I’ve also called and paid for a taxi service for you ladies. Your vehicles will stay here tonight. They’ll be safe for the night, as my parking lot has security. You can both may return for your cars tomorrow.”

“Did we overstay our welcome?” Lucy asked before searching through her purse.

Mack grinned at both of our drunk asses. “Absolutely not. We still have another ten minutes before we’re officially closed.”

I pulled out a twenty and a ten, placing it on the bar top. Lucy threw down two more twenties, leaving Rebecca a good tip.

Mack acknowledged our gesture with a smile, leading me to believe it was the correct amount. He then escorted us out of the bar, down the hallway, and out the front door to the waiting car.

“Ladies, please give the driver your addresses, so that he can safely get you both home, and we hope to see you again.”

We got in the car, but Lucy pressed the button, so her window went down, and called out, asking something I’d been wondering myself. “Do you provide this type of service to all your customers?”

Mack chuckled and crouched down, “Honestly, we don’t, but I don’t want or need Hunter showing up here tomorrow, chewing out my ass, or worst throwing punches because I didn’t take care of his girl. I’d have to defend myself, and I don’t want my wife pissed at me, because I beat the shit out of her brother.” I snorted. “Now, off with you two.”

Mack stood back up and tapped on the top of the car for it to leave.

“What the fuck?” Lucy asked as the car pulled away from the curb.

I didn’t answer her. Instead, I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes, allowing the world to swirl around me. Lucy nudged me awake. “We’re at your place. You need help getting to your apartment?”

“Nope. I’m good.” I slid from the car and waved to Lucy as I eyed up the driver, trying to commit his features to memory, in case he did something smart to my best friend. “Text me when you get home,” I stated before she rolled the window up and the car pulled off.

Kicking off my shoes the moment I stepped into my apartment, I locked my door and dropped my keys and bag on the table.

I clenched my phone to my chest as I stood there. I should call Hunter. Or text him, maybe?

Fuck it.

My nightly skin routine would become my morning one. I pulled off my clothes, dropping them as I went. I slipped on a sleep shirt, then snagged a bottle of water from the fridge, and a couple of pain relievers before I got into bed.

Tomorrow was going to be rough.

The phone on my bed beeped at me, letting me know I got a text. It was Lucy, letting me know she got home okay.

And below her message, like a beacon, nudging me, was the text chain between Hunter and I. Sober, I’d have thought about it and forced myself to put down the phone and walk away. But the device buzzed again, and the greatest idea struck my drunken ass.

Posey: I’m srry about tn, Hunter. I feel like pop for leaving you like I did. Even after I promised you, I wouldn’t leaf. I ddi. The kidss complicated it. And my pork em is that I’m thinking with my pussyheand and not my enormous head…maybe because pissy head just needs some head…