Page 23 of Until Posey

I was, but I didn’t acknowledge his assessment, instead I went back to attempting to feed her, but I could see Landon deep in thought and knew at any moment we were going to get back on the Merri-go-round of questions.

“Still can’t believe she’s yours,” Landon muttered, but I didn’t take the bait. I ignored him. Just like our sister, he continued to poke and prod the issue. “Apparently, all the ladies in town are a flutter. They’re all talking about Hunter Banks finally got caught—” Landon gestured to Destiny with his coffee cup— “with his dick out. Believe it or not, they all can’t wait to see the fruit of your loins. Bonus, they still want to bang you.”


I didn’t want the spotlight on either of us. Nor did I want to be the center of local gossip. Since Destiny had arrived, my life had become two things. Going to work and coming home to take care of her. Ireland helped here and there when she could, and I did the same for her. But she was also trying to help Waverly and Jackson.

Well, more Jackson since, like me, he was doing the rearing pretty much on his own.

At night, when the house was quiet, and the baby was asleep, my thoughts would drift to Posey. I knew who and what she was. My Boom. I heard enough conversations between Ireland and Mack, and his family to understand my current circumstances.

It just wasn’t a good time right now.

My priority and focus had to be on the baby in front of me. Once the trial was over. I could claim Posey and tell her the truth. Until then, I needed to continue to lie to everyone.

“Got nothing to say?” Landon asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I sat back in my chair. “What more is theretosay? Y’all are beating a dead horse at this point. I’ve told you and Ireland all I know.”

Landon snorted. “More like all you’re willing to tell.”

“That too,” I admitted before standing up to put Destiny’s bowl in the sink. I wanted to throw it in the sink in anger. I didn’t, though, but only because I had no desire to freak Destiny out.

“Listen, Hunter. I know more—”

I turned, glaring at Landon, and barked out, “I’m done asking nicely, Landon. Leave it the fuck alone and let me take care of my own fuckin’ business.” Destiny stilled; her face crumbled up to cry as the roar of my words hit her. “Shit.”

“I got her,” Landon murmured as he plucked Destiny from her chair and began cleaning her up. “It’s okay, Stinkerbella, he’s just a big ol meanie. Yes, he is.”


Old habits die hard as I exhaled and went to the fridge. “Do you want me to make you breakfast?”

“Nah. I’m going to stop and get something to eat on the way into the shop. Want me to grab you something?”

“Yeah. Let me give you some money.”

I didn’t need to tell him my order. Landon knew what I liked. Besides, I wasn’t picky. I ate anything and everything.

“I got it, Hunter. I have a job that pays me really fucking well, ya know?”

I snorted because I did know, since I did payroll. “You’re lucky Ireland isn’t here. She’d smack you upside the head for talking like a neanderthal in front of Destiny.”

“I ain’t afraid of her,” Landon said, his chest puffed out like he was ready to take on his sister.


Even if Landon wasn’t afraid of Ireland, I knew he was afraid of Mack. My brother-in-law had no problem with stepping in and being the heavy with Ireland. He preferred it. Otherwise, according to him, he’d have to interfere in our family dynamics. Mack didn’t want to have Ireland pissed at him because he came after one of her brothers.

I expected I’d be doing the same when the time came with Posey. Warmth bloomed in my chest, along with possessiveness. The tingle shot through me, along with longing. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to have her in my arms sooner rather than later.

The alarm on my phone dinged. I’d set it as a backup should Destiny not want her cereal. Plus, it meant we were running out of time. Landon had to open the shop, and I had a couple of things to do before Destiny and I arrived.

We’d been short staffed since the birth of Mack Jr. and now because Jackson couldn’t come in to help with orders. I’d been contemplating hiring another mechanic and someone to handle the office, along with all the paperwork I dealt with daily. We were thriving now, and money was no longer an issue within the business. I’d yet to inform the others, because I suspected I might just get push back from at least one of them. Arguing with my siblings was currently the last thing on my list of shit I needed to do.

“Get your ass in gear. Shop is due to open in under forty-five minutes,” I reminded Landon.

He gave me a smug grin. “Aye, aye captain.” Landon stood with Destiny in his arms before putting his cup on the countertop. On the way out of the kitchen, he deposited the little girl in my arms before bounding up the stairs.