Page 22 of Until Posey

I squeezed my eyes closed. Shit, they had found me. They knew I was listening. “Sorry. I’ll take care of everything in the back.”

“Girl, get over here and take a break. You’ve been running since the second you stepped through the door.” Kayan waved me over.

July grinned and waved me over, then motioned to her half drank coffee and treat. “Thanks for the boost. We really needed it.”

“You’re welcome.” I sat between them. If they asked me anything about Hunter or the baby, I couldn’t say a word. Not even about the hospital case. However, I was concerned for Waverly. Sounded like she was victim number two. “So, how bad is Waverly?”

I knew little about their lives. I was more like a periphery acquaintance, someone who was here at the shelter when their husbands or friends would come in. I knew of Mack and Ireland when they came in to rescue a pit bull mix, and now I knew them better-ish because of Hunter’s case.

“Pretty bad,” July said with a frown. “Broken ankle and severe concussion. From what Ireland said, they’re not worried about Waverly’s ankle so much as the way she came out of sedation. They’re concerned it could be brain damage or trauma from the incident. I know Jackson was supposed to go back today to see her with her mom.”

My heart sank for the family. It seemed like one thing after the other for them. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think Hunter knew about Destiny.” When Kayan sat forward, ready to say something, I shook my head. “I can’t give details about the situation. What I will say is, he’d been confused and shocked when I showed up at his door.”

“Probably growly and scowling, too. That man is a fucking God-like man with all his tattoos and bad attitude. Whoever lands him is in for a rough ride.” Kayan chuckled. “That family is something else, too. Have you met all of them? They’re all gorgeous. I’m jealous.”

July laughed. “All the wives call Hunter a Viking God in private. Can’t say he doesn’t look like one.”

“Jackson is too adorable for words, too,” Kayan added. “What do you think, Posey? I’m sure you’ve met all four of them by now.”

July and Kayan fixed me with their stare. The anticipation oozing off them as they waited for my answer crashed over me. Was this what it was like to gossip with more than one best friend? “Uh, well...” I cleared my throat. “Hunter was abrasive when we met.”

“Girrrl... I bet he was,” Kayan teased. “That man only knows one language, and that’s fuck off.”

I laughed. “True enough. Landon was quiet, as was Jackson. Ireland...” I shook my head. “I’d rather have her backing me up than have to face her in a brawl.”

July grinned. “That about sums them all up in a nice little package.” She cut her gaze to Kayan. “You know, we should have done this way sooner. That’s my fault. Sometimes our best volunteers become our best friends. We should hang out when you’re not busy.”

Kayan snapped her fingers. “Don’t we have a party coming up?”

July nodded. “We do.” Her bright cheerfulness sucked me right in. I liked both Kayan and July. I realized even though I’d only been sitting there for thirty minutes, I missed this when I was growing up in the system. “Want to come, Posey?”

I blinked. I licked my bottom lip and nodded. “Sure, why the hell not!”

By the time I got home, I was exhausted but happy. I learned more about the Banks family and the others. Spending the day giving back to our community refilled my soul. I felt lighter walking back into my home and more focused on the tasks which lay ahead of me come the beginning of the week. The only question that kept playing on repeat for me was, would Hunter be at the party? If he was, how did I feel about the prospect of seeing him outside of business and after he'd asked me out already?

Guess we were about to find out.

Chapter 6


“Come on, ladybug, eat for daddy.” I moved the spoon back to Destiny, who grinned at me, then swatted at the spoon as it got closer to her mouth. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if any of the cereal Destiny’s pediatrician recommended made it into her mouth. She was covered from head to toe, and so was I. The gruel mixture was like glue once it dried, and it got everywhere.

“Morning,” Landon said from behind me before bopping Destiny on the nose. “You know, she kind of grows on you, and she’s cute.”

He sauntered over to the coffeepot and reached into the cabinet above the machine to grab a cup. At least his attire was an upgrade. Before Destiny was dropped on my doorstep, Landon would come in bare assed or wearing a pair of boxer briefs. Now he wore a beach tank and basketball shorts.

Landon poured himself a cup of coffee, then strolled over to the highchair to give a kiss to the top of the baby’s head in a proper greeting. “Morning, Stinkerbella.”

I rolled my eyes at him and huffed, “Stop calling my kid that freaking name. You’re going to give her a complex.”

Landon grinned at me before sitting in the chair next to Destiny’s highchair. A mistake on his part. She was a grabby little kid, and I wasn’t telling him what she’d been doing. He’d get what he deserved.

“Until she stops shitting in her pants, she’s Stinkerbella. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.”

“Don’t curse in front of her either, fucker.” I snarled.

Landon chuckled. “Pot meet kettle. Just so you know, when your kid’s first words are swearing words, don’t be trying to lay the blame at my feet.” He pointed at me. “You’re just as guilty.”