But it’s me. I’m going to be the next one.
We embrace tightly. “Oh my god, I’m terrified,” Amy whispers in my ear.
“Same,” I say.
“It’s a girl,” Dana croaks. “I mean, I think.”
We all laugh and, after a check from the midwife, it is indeed a little girl.
“As if we need more girls around here,” Harley says, dry-humored as ever, even amidst a slew of happy tears.
Drew embraces Dana and his new baby girl, overwhelmed with emotion.
I can’t quiet my jealousy. To see a man so deeply in love with his life…his wife-to-be…his baby…
Reminds me of everything I’m missing out on. All because Orlie Wynters couldn’t wrap his dick up.
Amelia Young,or Mia as Dana and Drew have already decided to nickname her, has all ten fingers and toes and fits perfectly in her grandfather’s arms.
Dad has commandeered the rocking chair in the corner of Dana and Drew’s room for the better part of the last hour.
“Amelia is a good name,” Dad says.
“My mother’s,” Drew replies from beside Dana where she rests in their bed. The smile on her face has been uninterrupted since Mia was born.
“An even better name,” Dad replies.
Mia starts to gurgle.
“I think she’s getting tired of you, Dad,” Gillian says. “Give us a turn.”
Dad frowns. “Why should I? She’s my granddaughter.”
“Yourthirdgranddaughter,” Harley laughs. “I mean, seriously guys, don’t we have any Y chromosomes to share?”
I have to laugh. Maybe I’ll be the one that interrupts the hex of only girls in the Solace family. Only time will tell.
Mia’s gurgle turns into a cry. While Dad is usually the baby whisperer, he is unable to settle her down. So he passes her off to Amy. Mia shows no signs of stopping.
“Maybe you should give her to Dana,” I say awkwardly.
“No, no. I can do it,” Amy says and then hushes the baby once more.
“Here, let me take her. Tana was the same way.” Harley intercedes and slips Mia out of Amy’s arms. However, she has no luck either.
Dana holds out her arms. “She wants me, I’ll take her.”
“Let me just try,” Gillian says with a smile.
“Dear god, what is this, the motherhood Olympics?” I say. I can tell Dana is getting irritated. I want to get her baby back in her arms as fast as possible.
Gillian has a little bit better luck, but only for a minute.
“For god’s sake!” I march over and take Mia from Gillian. “She wants her mother, obvious —”
I stop. The room is silent. I look down into the bundle in my arms. Mia has completely settled. In fact. She’s yawning.
“How did you learn to do that?” Amy asks, a hint of jealousy in her voice.