“What isthatsmile about?”

“Nothing!” Amy answers on Harley’s behalf. “Nothing at all.”

“Sounds more like a threat than anything,” Orlie remarks.

Amy glares at Harley. “You promised.”

Harley glances at Grant and he shakes his head at her.

“What the heck is going on? Don’t leave me out.”

Amy stomps her feet. “I don’t want to steal your spotlight.”

I raise an eyebrow. “I mean, I’m the one who went into labor at Dana’s wedding.”

“Out of your control, Kiki,” Dana reiterates.

I will feel guilty for that my whole life, no doubt.

“Tell us, Ames.”

Amy looks up at Hunter. He shrugs. “If you want to, babe. Your call.”

“Oh, my god,” Gillian says. “Oh, my god, you’re –”

“Don’t say it beforeshecan!” Harley snaps.

Gillian covers her mouth with her hand to keep from spoiling the surprise.

With a bashful smile, Amy announces, “I’m pregnant.”

The whole room erupts with gasps and excitement.

“When will I get to rest?!” Dad cries out.

“Never, especially after the way you and Victoria went at each other on the dance floor,” Harley says with a fake, playful glare.

Dad flushes and Grant glares at him. “Do you really have to bring that up? That’s my sister you’re talking about.”

“What happened on the dance floor?” I cry out. “And Amy you’re –“

I feel Orlie’s hand on my back. “Take it easy, honey.”

Owen starts to cry too, as if to make it doubly known I need to stay calm. “Okay, everyone, chill. I’m a mom now, so –”

The room settles as I rock Owen. He cries for a bit, but it’s like music to my ears. I’m sure it won’t be that way forever, but right now, this cry could be my favorite song.

Orlie protectively wraps an arm around me, softly caresses Owen’s little head, the whisps of barely-there hair running through his fingers.

As my family settles around me, growing more and more engrossed in Owen settling into silence, I realize that for once I’m the center of attention and it’s not freaking me out. This is how it is supposed to be. I don’t need to be loud or wild or be anything but myself to stand out.

I’ve been enough for them all along. And I’m enough for Orlie too. He fell in love with me the way I am. Exactly the way I am. And he wouldn’t change me. Wouldn’t have me any other way.

I’m Kira Solace and that’s enough.

“Oh, by the way,” I say with a glimmering smile. “We’re engaged.”

The room erupts again, only for a moment before Owen stirs again. But everyone quiets down quickly enough for him to settle without much hassle.