Believing that is the only way I’m going to be able to survive.



I thoughtI’d be bolder sitting next to Dana in a darkened theatre. But my nerves are abuzz. I feel locked in place. Afraid to upset the ecosystem of the darkened theatre.

I look askance to Dana, hoping she looks at me too.

She doesn’t. She stares placidly forward, face aglow with movie magic.

Fuck. How do I get her attention?

I hold the bucket of popcorn over into Dana’s lap and shake it.

“No, thanks.”

“Oh, come on. I can’t eat all of this by myself.”

She gingerly bats the bucket away from her. “Not hungry, Drew.”

I recoil and stick the blasted big bucket into my lap, chewing on the inside of my lip. Ever since I picked Dana up this evening, things have been off.

Hell, things have been off since a couple days ago when I called her and she didn’t pick up, instead sending me a text that simply read,

“Not feeling well, talk tomorrow.”

That sent me into a tailspin thinking about the baby and all the things that could possibly be wrong. What kind of pain was she feeling? Where was she feeling it? I sent a slew of follow-up questions.

The response I got was only two words.

Just tired :)

If it hadn’t been for that smiley face, I would have felt like dying right there. For the past three days I’ve been living on that smiley face. But the second she got into my car and smiled at me in real life, I knew something was up. I know her too well for her to try and skirt around her problems like this.

Of course, I have no concept of what she’s really going through. Her body. The changes.

But she’s still Dana. She’s still the person I care for most in the world.

“Thank you, though.”

I look back at her. She’s smiling at me. A sadness in it. Still, a smile.

“No problem,” I reply.

Dana leans over and kisses me softly. It lingers the slightest bit. Given how I’ve come to learn her body, I get the feeling there’s something way more behind this little kiss. A deeper want.

I kiss her back again, harder this time. The movie, a fucking romcom that we picked just because it was something to watch, fades into the background as my tongue sneaks under hers. Well, at least I have this. I know she wants me in some capacity. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Maybe the pregnancy is really just bringing out some new emotions she doesn’t know how to deal with yet.

I just wish she’d talk about them with me.

Dana wraps her hand around the back of my head, kissing me harder. My body lurches. The bucket of popcorn tumbles out of my lap and onto the floor, spilling everywhere. “Shit!” I curse softly. I start to lean down to clean it up, but Dana grabs me again, pulling me back to her. She leans herself over the arm rest between us, practically crawling into my lap.

I’d take Dana wherever, whenever, and however much she’ll give me. However, we’re both much better than horny teenagers making out in the back of a movie theatre. I tear my lips away.

Before I can say anything, Dana reads my mind. “I want you. Take me home.”

* * *