Gillian steps away to show off my shirt. For Kira, it immediately clicks. “I knew it. I frickingknewit after you rushed out of–” She drops all her know-it-all energy and rushes to hug me too.

“What’s going on in there?” I hear Dad’s voice call out from the yard.

I straighten out my shirt and walk out into the yard, an apologetic look toward Drew. “Gillian made me.”

Drew smiles lopsidedly. “Fine with me.”

“What is this,The Full Monty?” Dad asks, not tracking what’s going on.

However, Harley and Amy immediately clock my shirt.

“No!” Amy shouts.


“No!!” Harley echoes.

My sisters all crowd around me, burbling congratulations and shedding tears.

“What is going on?!” Dad shouts out. He’s never gotten a cute pregnancy announcement, so he’s probably confused beyond belief. With Gillian, she was young and single and deeply worried about his reaction. Harley’s pregnancy snuck up on all of us. This one might not have been planned, but for once, there’s no reason to hide it from the light of day.

“Kent, look–” Grant grabs Dad around the shoulder and points at Drew’s shirt. “Dad.”

Dad’s brow is still creased in confusion.

Grant points at me. “Mom. Does that ring a bell?”

“I don’t get it.”

“And this man’s a lawyer,” Axel says, getting a snicker from Hunter.

I look to my sisters for that last boost of confidence I need to just come out with it. And their smiles are so wide. Wider than I’ve ever seen. “Daddy, I’m having a baby,” I say, trying to smile through my tears.

Dad’s brown eyes widen and his mouth goes slack.

“I’ll take this, thank you,” Grant mutters, swiping Tana out of Dad’s arms. Tana laughs loudly.

“You’re…” Dad shakes his head and points at Drew. “You…”

Drew and I gravitate toward one another, his arm sliding around my waist. “Yeah, we are.”

We are. Drew and Iare.We’re an entity. One in the same. Hand in hand. Together. Creating.

Dad’s hands go to his forehead. “I think I need to sit down.”

“Daddy, stop it! You’re being dramatic,” Harley admonishes.

Everyone takes it very seriously; Hunter grabs Dad a chair and he falls right into it, eyes jerking back and forth to process.

I go kneel before him and take his hands. “Are you upset?”

“Upset? No, no. I’m…” He shakes his head and touches my cheek. “You’re happy, Dana. All I’ve ever wanted is to see you happy.”

My eyes fill with even more tears. “Daddy…”

He draws me up in his arms and holds me to his chest. I feel his heart beating.
