Dana looks back at me. Eyes glistening and mouth spread in a wide grin. “Did you hear that?”

I start nodding and am unable to stop. “Yep, yep. I heard that.”Get out of the corner and stop acting like a doofus. I rush over to Dana’s side and take her hand. Sparks fly through my body. Now it’s official. She’s carrying my baby. I can let that happiness flow through me unbridled. Especially given how big that smile is on her face.

The doctor laughs. “We’ll get a better sense of how far along things are once your blood test comes back, but if you’d like, I can get an ultrasound tech in here to check out if we can pick up a heartbeat.”

“Yes,” I answer before Dana can. “I mean. Sorry, I–”

Dana smiles, leaning her head into my arm. “What he said.”

“Okay, good!” The doctor smiles. “If there’s one thing I like more than a happy mama-to-be, it’s an eager daddy-to-be.”

I swallow. Guess that’s what someone’s going to be calling me one day.

“I’ll give you two a moment and send my tech your way,” the doctor says and slips out the door.

Once it clicks shut, neither of us moves a muscle. Not for fear. Not for disappointment.

Have you ever felt so much joy you have no idea how best to express it? That no celebration feels quite right?

Dana, luckily, gets her wits first. She takes one of my hands and places it against her stomach, beaming up at me. “It’s not much yet, but…”

I feel that warm feeling in my belly again. This time, I don’t have to question it. Right there is a result of our desperate love for one another. Feels foolish that we haven’t used the word aloud yet, especially when we now have a baby on the way. “No, Dana. It’s everything,” I say back.

Softly, she presses a kiss to my lips. “Are you happy?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“I just want to hear you say it.”

I slide my thumb back and forth across her belly. “So happy. Never felt so happy in all my life.”


“Swear on the Dodgers.”

Dana gasps. “That’s a big deal.”

“Then you must know I mean it.”

We embrace. Tight. I can feel tears building in my eyes, matching hers.

“I’m so happy too, Drew,” Dana whispers.

We are bound together. In some way forever. “God, we move quick,” I say.

“Some might say we’ve been moving too slow.”

I tuck some hair behind her ears and then kiss her forehead. “Making up for lost time.”

“Except we’re doing everything backwards,” Dana chuckles.

“Well, if you want, I could–”

“I’m kidding, Drew, I’m kidding. Please. No sudden movements. Finding out I’m pregnant is enough for one day.”

I might have been half-joking. But where there’s a half-joke, there’s also a half-truth. Yes, it’d be crazy to talk about getting married after dating for only a month. However, we have two years of our friendship that this is built on. That’s a long time of building. We took the leap. It only made sense everything tumbled quickly afterward.

Sure, marriage usually comes right after love. I’ll settle for a baby. A baby with Dana is a dream I never knew I had.