“Fucking hell.”

“You good?”

Kira tears off her glasses and rubs her eyes. “Fine.”

The bags under her eyes say otherwise. “How late did you work last night?”

Kira sighs heavily. “Does it matter?”

I laugh. “Yeah, it matters. Obviously.”

“Yukon’s launch has to be perfect.”

“Is that the one that’s–”

Kira nods, “Ethical expedited shipping.”

That’s not what I was going to say, but I’m glad she filled in the blanks for me. Kira is always working on some sort of app for Wynters. She’s created so many from scratch at this point that I’ve lost track of all her accomplishments, just like I can’t name every book in Amy’s catalog. My sisters are incredibly prolific. “It’s not going well?” I ask.

“It’s going greatbutit needs to be perfect.”

I shake my head. “Kira…”

“It does!”

“You always talk like your life is on the line. It’s not.”

Kira grunts gruffly in a way that indicates I couldn’t possibly understand. “We’ve got a deadline. I’m working on all the bugs on our latest launch. When it comes to updates, we have mere hours before people say fuck all and move onto the next product.”

“It’s Wynters Corp. You’re basically Apple.”

Kira glares. “We’renotApple.”

I gulp. “Duly noted.”

After a moment, Kira’s face softens. Just my little sister again instead of a terror desperate to squash out code bugs. I imagine they’re cute and all pixelated with little pincers. Far from the reality she deals with. “Sorry. I’m just tired.”

I cross my arms and smile. “You need lunch.”

“Yeah. I guess.”

There’s a knock on the door behind us. Before I turn and look to see who it is, I clock Kira’s expression hardening again.Shit.

“Am I interrupting?” A deep, male voice resounds.

I turn to find myself face to face with Kira’s boss, Orlie Wynters. We haven’t met, but I’ve heard enough about him to feel like I know him. Ever since he started the process of taking over for his father at the helm of Wynters Corp, Kira has been on absolute edge about him.

I smile. “Not at all!”

Orlie’s eyes flick to Kira and then back to me, not a hint of pleasantry on his lips. The guy must know politeness, but whether he can give it with a smile is up for debate. “Kira, would you introduce us?”

“Y-yeah,” Kira says. Her mouth is tight. “My sister, Dana. My boss, Orlie.”

I’m tempted to give her crap for that introduction, but something in her eyes is telling me there’s more to this story. “Nice to meet you. Heard a lot about you,” I say, holding out my hand to Kira’s boss. We shake. Big hand. Strong. “Good things, of course.”

He shrugs his shoulders as if he doesn’t care what has been said about him at all.

Wish I had that kind of self-confidence.