Nearly four years of that feeling. It wears on a person.

My heart and head are both yelling at me, trying to be heard over the din. So, instead of making a decision on who’s right, I’ve just frozen.

Another text from Kira comes in on my phone.

Did you thank him?

I chew on my upper lip. I’ve thanked him for everything, of course. I’m not a monster. But it’s always been very, well, platonic. Something like. “Wow, thanks!” or “Drew, you shouldn’t have.”

Kira. Again.

You know he’d love to hear from you…

I mute our conversation and let out a sigh. She’s right. However, I don’t know what to say.

Tapping my phone in my hand, I pace back and forth. What would sufficiently communicate what I want to say? Hell, what do I evenwantto say?

I settle for something simple.They’re beautiful. I feel like I need to find a way to thank you.

Shit, that reminds me I still owe him a Christmas present. I’m a terrible friend.

Or whatever I am to Drew.

I pull up my phone and go to our text chain.

The last thing that was sent was a message from him, an article from Psychology Today accompanied by the “mind blown emoji”. I reacted to it with the exclamation points.

Because I couldn’t think of anything else.

I type out my message and hit send. I’ve got about twenty minutes before my next client and I need to take lunch. I grab the salad I packed from the minifridge and go to sit in my office.

My phone starts ringing before I can even sit down.

And I know exactly who it is.

“Hey, what’s up?” I answer as if I haven’t just texted him.

“You don’t have to thank me, Dana.”

My heart cracks. “Of course, I do, Drew.”

“Seriously, it’s not–”

“Drew, I’ve been a crappy friend, let me figure out something I can do in return.”

Drew goes silent for a second.

Maybe I was a little too harsh. “Sorry if that was curt. I haven’t been feeling myself lately and–”

“Look, I’m sorry. It’s been a bit much, hasn’t it?”

I collapse into my office chair and sigh. “Yes, but that’s a me problem, not a you problem.”

“I don’t want you to feel pressured to get me anything or do anything for me or–” Drew sighs. “I’ll stop.”

I don’t want him to stop. That’s the whole thing. What girl wouldn’t want flowers every week? I just don’t want them from my best friend. I want them from something more.

“I just want you back in my life, Dana. And if you’re not ready, I get it, but–”