Dana then follows the curved path of the boardwalk over to my side. My heartbeat quickens as she approaches.

“Good view of the fireworks over here, probably,” she says, sidling over to the opposite railing.

I join her, leaving a healthy gap between us.

“Better than trying to elbow around for room over there,” Dana adds, gesturing over in the direction of the restaurant, a mere blip in the distance.

I can’t find the words to say what I’d like to. I’m just shocked she’s left the safe confines of the party to come follow me.

“Now tell me,” she says, leaning in slightly. “What’s going on?”

“I’m just overwhelmed. I need a vacation from my vacation.”


I laugh. “You asked.”

“I still don’t think you’re telling me the whole truth…” she replies in a sing-song voice.

I shake my head. “No, I’m not.”

Dana’s forehead tightens.

“I don’t think it’d be fair for me to burden you with all my feelings when they’re–”You’re not fooling anyone, Drew. Just say it.“When they’re about you.”

Though the restaurant is in the distance, the sound of people counting down from ten resounds clearly over the water.

Dana only looks at me, the corners of her eyes downturned. She’s pitying me.

I rest my elbows on the rail, feeling even more pathetic than before. “See? I told you. It’s just not–”

“…two…one…Happy New Year!”

I look in the direction of the clamor. Without missing a beat, the fireworks begin, a sprig of gold shuddering through the air.

Despite the show erupting in the sky, Dana hasn’t taken her eyes off me.

“Look, this has gotten really screwy. With all the pretending and everything. I’m a wreck trying to make sure I don’t make things worse, touching you in public, barely able to speak to you in private. Meanwhile, your sisters are all giving me their two cents, and none of that matters, because I fucked everything up before anything could even begin, and the last thing I want to do is lose my best friend over something really stupid I said. So.” I gesture to the sky as cherry-red sparks across the stars. “Happy New Y-“

I’m cut off by Dana’s lips. On mine. Her arms link around my neck, drawing me close to her chest. I briefly wonder if she spotted someone and now she’s just playing the part I set out for her. But when her tongue grazes the corner of my mouth, I know it’s real. That extra little bit pushes me over the edge.

I slide my hands carefully onto the small of her back, pressing my entire self to her. Closer, closer, until I’m wound around her without an inch to spare.

Fireworks don’t compare to what’s happening inside me. The popping, sparking energy of having Dana close to me like this again. And it’s real.

That must mean something, right?

I tear my lips away from hers. “Did your sisters tell you to do this?” I ask breathlessly.

“Why are you bringing my sisters up at a time like this?” she retorts and then kisses me before I can answer.

She’s right. I don’t care about an answer. Not when her fingers wrench around the front of my shirt and she yanks me toward her, so hard I stumble and have to catch myself on the railing.

“Shit, sorry,” she says with a smile, her hand cupping the back of my neck.

“Don’t be sorry. Never be sorry for that.” In fact, I give in to the tumbling, frantic energy. I sweep Dana’s hips into my mine, drawing her off-balance, causing us to cascade to the ground. I don’t even have a chance to ask if she’s alright before she digs her fingernails into my shoulder blades and presses her pelvis up against me.

“I’ve been trying…” she mutters between kisses. “I’ve been trying to be strong.”