I pop my eyes open. Willow is an inch away from me, grinning. I jerk away and laugh nervously, pressing myself up against the window. Why couldn’t I have had the aisle seat? Then I could have escaped. “Y-yeah.”

“Although, we didn’t see as much of the island as I would have liked. So much time in the hotel…” Willow practically purrs.

I clear my throat.

“So, tell me, Drew, honey. Have you missed me?”

I stare at her. The answer is no. In fact, it’s hell no. However, I know how she can get when her feelings are hurt. Vicious. And I don’t want to ruin this for Axel and Gillian. Even if they’re not on the plane, I don’t want to expose their guests to her madness. She could create a one-woman massacre to rival the one in Boston in the eighteenth century. I have to think fast. Have to say something to get her off my case. “Yeah, Willow, about that…I should tell you something. Something important.”



Ricks Maldives is…incredible.It looks more like a movie set than the ones I’ve seen on Grant’s soundstages.

The entire resort is situated on an atoll, a series of bungalows attached by long, swirling docks. Of course, I only saw all of that from the boat ride over. I can’t wait to get all up close and personal with my own private bungalow.

The entrance to the resort is sheathed in tropical trees and foliage, giving us respite from the bright sun. The weather in Maldives this time of year is perfect. The beginning of dry season, very little rain, bright sun, but not melting hot.

Gillian and I walk in, holding Stella’s hands, one on each side. “This is…incredible,” I mutter.

“I know. What a better way to get married, right?”

I could think of plenty better ways. In the backyard of our childhood home for instance. However, this is perfect for Gillian. So much nature all around, sea breezes, and beautiful views.

“Can we go to the pool?” Stella asks, jumping up and down between us.

“How do you have so much energy, goodness gracious,” I murmur. Sure, we were able to sleep on the plane, but plane-sleeping is much different than actual bed-sleeping.

“One thing at a time, sweetheart. We have to check in first.”

Suddenly, Stella lets go of our hands and cries out, “Daddy!” She bolts toward the front desk where Axel stands waiting for us in a nice linen suit. He already looks like he’s gotten a tan even though he hasn’t been here more than an hour.

With Stella no longer between us, Gillian grabs my hand as we walk. “Thanks for being my rock through this, Dana,” she whispers.

I shake my head. “Don’t be silly.”

“You are. You really are.”

I smile at Gillian. Most of the flight, she was trying not to panic. Suddenly, her whirlwind romance with Axel was moving too fast for her. “What if I’m making a mistake?” she squeaked while we were both locked in the bathroom, which was quite a feat of contortion.

Cold feet, I’ve learned, is natural. Harley suffered the same thing before marrying Grant. I expected Gillian to be twice as bad. After all, she’s not just making a decision for her, but for Stella too.

However, judging by how Axel has Stella all coiled up in his arms, hugging her tightly, it would be shocking to think this was anythingbuta good decision.

“And there’s my beautiful wife-to-be,” Axel announces as we approach him.

“Don’t be mushy, Axel.” Gillian lets go of my hand and throws her arms around her little family. I feel a pang in my chest. I shouldn’t be feeling this. The pang of her walking into the next phase of her life should be saved exclusively for Dad. However, I can’t help it. She’s moving on. I’m so happy for her.

And yet…that emptiness.

“Hi, Dana,” Axel says and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“How was your flight?” I ask.

He sighs with a smile. “Great. Even better now that I can stretch my legs.” He bobs up and down, Stella laughs. “I’ve already checked us in. How about I take Stella ahead and you can–”

“You all go. Enjoy it,” I say.